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Does Sheffield seem too small for a city?

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I don't like Leeds, IMO it's just a big dump with an unsettling undertone about it. Yes, it's shop choice is better than sheffield, but it is scraggy as hell!


Sheffield is backwards as far as the city goes, we have no cosmopolitain elements, althought it houses two Uni's it is still backwards in terms of entertainment, shops and restaurants!


We have going on currently a comedy festival with comedy every single day of the month ;)

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i agree shff does seem a bit small for a city . obviously some people will start tto press the reply button in disgreement but i am comparing to other cities i have been to . i would class it as a more of an urban town . if you want village , go to derby . nice views classic traditional buildings there .

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We have going on currently a comedy festival with comedy every single day of the month ;)
I think that some people just overlook things on offer that don't jibe with their own choice of leisure pastime. For example, this constant vaunting, by some, of the wonderful shopping in Leeds. Because I don't care for the shopping offer there, I never even consider it as an indicator of desirability.


And, just a personal irritation, the word is 'backward', if you must. 'Backwards' means doing something in reverse! So you could have said that Sheffield is going backwards in terms of the retail/entertainment offer but not that entire city is backwards. Surely if so, we'd be calling ourselves Dleiffehs :D

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Sheffield may seem a lesser city because it lacks the cosmopolitan areas and attractions places like leeds and Manchester have...personally i think this is a good thing, it sets Sheffield apart which combined with the peak district and green space, makes Sheffield truly unique.


I think this is the problem. Sheffield isn't really a city i'd go and visit. Not a place i'd come down the motorway and spend a leisurely day in. There are no (indie) shops that interest me, no attractions that interest me, not much of a diverse music scene, It's just a place where people live and students study. Places like Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Birmingham, etc offer more. Those are REAL cities. Sheffield is like Doncaster in my eyes but bigger. It's just a big town.


The Peak District is in Derbyshire. Not really Sheffield to be honest. Don't get me wrong Sheffield is an unique city, it's just REALLY boring.

Edited by mpchooligan
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Are you working for the Leeds tourist board, all you have done is slag of the City of Sheffield if you don;t like it move, to your beloved Leeds


You say we don't have the shops that Leeds have take asway Harvey Nicholls and IKEA what shops do they have then.


We have the Arena Leeds don't


We have the English Institute of Sport Leeds don't


We host world attheletic events at the Don Valley Stadium, Leeds dont


We have two Chamnpionship football team and the World-s oldest team Leeds don't


The Peak district does fall into the boundarys of Sheffield not Leeds


So open your eyes not only do we outdo Leeds in every department except one we do not promote Sheffield and I think most Sheffielders like it that way.


Rant over

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i think sheffield seems "smaller" than it is because up until very recently a lot of it, especially the centre has been semi derelict....the city did have the sh*te bombed out of it during ww2, then all those horrid post war buildings went up.


remember orchard square before it was re-developed? it seems funny that such a fantastic bit of real estate was just sat there......thats just one example.


remember what the skyline used to look like?


when i drive to sheffield now, and see all those fantastic buildings that are going up, i smile to myself that finally some use is being made of all that empty/derelict space :)


sheffield seems to be growing every day.

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