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Where to take goth/rock mates tonight (sunday)

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There were mostly punks there, but a couple of rockers at the bar, one wearing an Iron Maiden T-Shirt. Surely groups of *alternative* people don't fight with each other ??? I'd be VERY disappointed if you say that they DO here in Sheffield :( My mates look very gothy, and we felt totally comfortable there.


Can we have a Forum rock fans <wrinkly or otherwise ;) > night out there ? I don't really have rock mates in Sheffield *sob*

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I have been into rock and the rock scenes in sheffield for the last 20 years. And in all that time mixing with long haireds, skin heads, and rock/punk/metal etc. I have never felt unsafe one teeny weeny bit. In all that time I have never seen one single punch thrown.


Whereas if you go into moody hi pressure towny places you may see glasses thrown every weekend. Rock/punk people may looks scarey but they're all nice. :thumbsup:


Wear any t-shirt you like. But you would probably feel extremely uncomfortable in a Robbie Williams one! :gag:

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Originally posted by muddycoffee


I have been into rock and the rock scenes in sheffield for the last 20 years. And in all that time mixing with long haireds, skin heads, and rock/punk/metal etc. I have never felt unsafe one teeny weeny bit. In all that time I have never seen one single punch thrown.


Have to agree with muddy here, I have frequented the Dove for many a moon now and also used to work at the Corporation a few years ago and never once saw any fighting. The most dangerous thing I ever saw was an EXCEEDINGLY drunk 'small person' swinging wildly at the bouncers claiming they'd pushed him down some steps - they hadn't of course - he was just that bladdered he didn't realise he'd missed one of the steps and he went flying!!



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Cheers Muddy & Ruby, your comments are not a surprise.


I cant remember who gave me the advice to give D&R a wide berth but whenever i've been in rock clubs/bars in sheffield i've never had any issues. I guess the person who said to avoid it because its full of skin heads and very violent must of been a big fool!!


One day i'll venture down from crb or nelson and check it out.


Cheers guys :smile:

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Originally posted by Pauline BHG

There were mostly punks there, but a couple of rockers at the bar, one wearing an Iron Maiden T-Shirt. Surely groups of *alternative* people don't fight with each other ??? I'd be VERY disappointed if you say that they DO here in Sheffield :( My mates look very gothy, and we felt totally comfortable there.


Can we have a Forum rock fans <wrinkly or otherwise ;) > night out there ? I don't really have rock mates in Sheffield *sob*


nah, never seen any fighting myself. As mentioned above i was relying on old info which must of always stayed in the back of my mind. Problem is since old corp closed never down that end of town.


Anybody miss the old broadwalk (under the broadwalk) or whatever it was called?


That was to me a proper rock bar. i.e long wooden bar, full of (to me!) very tall hairy people. i'm 5ft 10", so not exactly small! Many a chuckle reading the writing on the ceiling!! Smokey and bright lights when the disco was on.


I use to love that place!

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Originally posted by RobT

Anybody miss the old broadwalk (under the broadwalk) or whatever it was called?


I do, I used to love my couple of hours in there every saturday inbetween shifts at the Corp!!


Haven't the Dove and Rainbow taken over 'Under the Boardwalk' ??? I think it's now called 'D 'n' R Live' and they have bands playing there???

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Originally posted by RobT

Cheers Muddy & Ruby, your comments are not a surprise.


I cant remember who gave me the advice to give D&R a wide berth but whenever i've been in rock clubs/bars in sheffield i've never had any issues. I guess the person who said to avoid it because its full of skin heads and very violent must of been a big fool!!


One day i'll venture down from crb or nelson and check it out.


Cheers guys :smile:


never had a problem in there. Good in summer with the benches outside. Not the greatest decor though :D

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