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Hi Duffems,


I went to all the Carfield Schools (Infants, Junior and Secondary Modern) until 1962 when I transferred to Newfield. I was in classes 4.2 and 5.2 during the period September '62 until July '64.


Carfield Secondary closed in 1962 which is when you transferred to Newfield. Do you remember Roger Collis, Robert Banks, Johnny Hill, Hazel Walch, Marlene Greatbatch, Pat Hydes?

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Carfield Secondary closed in 1962 which is when you transferred to Newfield. Do you remember Roger Collis, Robert Banks, Johnny Hill, Hazel Walch, Marlene Greatbatch, Pat Hydes?


Hi Duffems,


I definitely remember the names Roger Collis and Marlene Greatbatch, but cannot recall anything further about them. They may have been in the year below me at Carfield. In 1962 I was in class 3A, the year the school closed.


Was "John" Hill, if this is the same person I remember, a small boy with fair/blonde hair? Bit of a joker and could be a pain in the proverbial at times.


Do you remember Anne Jackson and her friend Eileen Dalton, both of whom lived on the same road, just off Kent Hill (can no longer remember the name - Rushdale Road perhaps)? Neil Memott (year above me) and his brother (year below) also lived on the same road

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Hi Duffems,


I definitely remember the names Roger Collis and Marlene Greatbatch, but cannot recall anything further about them. They may have been in the year below me at Carfield. In 1962 I was in class 3A, the year the school closed.


Was "John" Hill, if this is the same person I remember, a small boy with fair/blonde hair? Bit of a joker and could be a pain in the proverbial at times.


Do you remember Anne Jackson and her friend Eileen Dalton, both of whom lived on the same road, just off Kent Hill (can no longer remember the name - Rushdale Road perhaps)? Neil Memott (year above me) and his brother (year below) also lived on the same road


Roger & Marlene were in the same class, the A class throughout Carfield as were the other names I've mentioned. They went their seperate ways in 1962, he to Newfield and she to Brincliffe Grammar then they met again and married. Their last form master at Carfield was Mr. Davison.

John Hill (Banger, don't know why he was called that) is the same one as you've mentioned, a real joker, nice kid all the same, he lived on Rushdale Road, once remember Mr.Davison kicking him up the backside because he answered him back.

Derek Memmott younger brother of Neil was in the same year.

Don't recall the other names which you've mentioned, perhaps they were born in 1947 as I'm guessing you were too so, do you remember Keith Greatbatch, Sylvia Storey, David Travis?


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I was born in December 1947. I'm sure there was a girl in my class at Carfield called Sylvia, but I can't remember her surname. The name David Travis does ring a bell with me, but in what context I don't know.


Marion Maynard, Brian Lingard, Ann Holt, Alan Ducker, David Betts, ? Rose, lived on Rushdale Avenue (I think) these ring any bells?



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Teachers at Carfield Secondary were Mr.Roach. and Mr.Cartright, the head was Mr. Edlington (Pop).




I most certainly remember "Pop" Edlington. He used to take us for maths and at certain times he would invoke a rule, that he'd made up, allowing him to cane the boy who came last in any of his tests. Never a girl mind you. On more than one occasion that boy happened to be me. Funnily enough I became an accountant in later life. Mr Cartright was a really nice guy and in some perverse way I also liked (respected?) Mr Roach.


My final year's form teacher was a Mrs. Lidell (spelling?) and:) faithfull old "Dobbin" for geography.


Best wishes.



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