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Can anyone remember a local cable tv?

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i cant remember much about this but i can remember going down to the sheffield show then coming home and watching live coverage of the show on this cable channel.It must have shown the days events later on cos i was so excited when i saw myself on there.I think was all either sheffield or regional things that was on there not actual tv programmes.If anyone can remember it properly and fill me in i'd appreciate it.thanx

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I vaguely remember something about a local cable company when i was a kid. The cables were attached to the houses under the guttering and they paid something like a shilling a year for allowing them to run them across your house.


I'm sure they had a sort of local interest slot where people could broadcast their own programmes? Obviously it never caught on ... otherwise would still be around today? It was based somewhere in Heeley, Saxon Road?


On a related issue, when Yorkshire Cable first started up - didn't they intend to cover the whole of Sheffield? What happened?

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Hey yeah - I do remember this


I think it was only available in certain areas


My friends gran had access to it (she lived in Walkley just off Howard Road) and we all piled into her living room to watch 'Bonnie and Clyde' (way under the X certificate rating age)


There was a grey box on top of the TV which had a slot in it for the money - for some reason I seem to remember it was 5/- (five shillings) to watch the movie


It was not long after the movie had been on general release so that puts it around 1968

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I used to work for a firm called British Relay in the sixties. They were a cable T.V. company who cabled up the city with copper cable around actual houses ( not fibre optics through street ducts as they do now) They got you a good picture in bad reception areas by picking up the tv signals with a big aerial at Crookes, amplifying it and sending it round the cable network.

Most of the new developments in the 60's had it, Norfolk park, Batemoor etc. Don't remember any locally produced content though.


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Originally posted by chumpy

I used to work for a firm called British Relay in the sixties. They were a cable T.V. company who cabled up the city with copper cable around actual houses ( not fibre optics through street ducts as they do now) They got you a good picture in bad reception areas by picking up the tv signals with a big aerial at Crookes, amplifying it and sending it round the cable network.

Most of the new developments in the 60's had it, Norfolk park, Batemoor etc. Don't remember any locally produced content though.


We lived on Longley and British Relay cabled up at least our part of the estate. You're right it just provided the main channels, nothing locally produced. I have a vague memory that it piped in radio too, but I'm not sure.

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Started working for British Relay on the Moor in 1967 this was taken over by Visionhire 1978 then Granada 1988 I finished work with Granada in 1997. yes a studio was set up I think it was on Matilda st this was around 1974 [short lived] the cable operation finished around 1985 by then it was out of date and the aerial signal in Sheffield had improved, there was a radio service included.:thumbsup:

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