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Why don't fat people pay more (i.e. extra weight) to fly?

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I've been arguing for years for the weight allowance to be based on passenger + luggage, but having had a look at the weights involved, I may have to have a rethink...


Take a Boeing 747-400 as an example (figures rounded slightly).


Empty weight of aircraft = 178,000 Kg

Maximum take-off weight = 378,000 Kg


So, the total load it can carry is 200,000 Kg.


The maximum fuel capacity is 200,000 litres. Now, the weight of fuel can vary, apparently (because of temperature, for example), but using a figure of 6.66lbs/gallon, I make it that that converts to a maximum fuel weight of about 160,000Kg.


So that leaves 40,000Kg for passengers, hold luggage, hand luggage, and all the sundry other bits.


Assume 450 passengers if fully-loaded. That's going to be less than 90Kg allowance for each passenger+luggage... which doesn't seem a lot to me :huh:


How long before other airlines adopt Air Nippon's latest wheeze?


Hmm yes...

So if you weigh 10 stone, you can take 26kg baggage

12 stone + 13.6 kg

14 stone + 0.9kg


Yeah that wouldn't really work, would it?

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What a laugh.. what about having to pay extra for having BO or being ugly or being drunk..... course you should,nt pay more if your overweight...




Having BO or being ugly won't make a difference to the aircraft's weight.


It's already illegal to be drunk on a plane.

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Having BO or being ugly won't make a difference to the aircraft's weight.


It's already illegal to be drunk on a plane.




looks like our annual binge in benidorm is out then if you can't fly if your overweight.....mind you we take most of the plane up between us...happy days

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I thought they already did? I thought that people over a certain weight/size had to pay an excess or something...?


Kids pay half so why shouldnt someone who weighs in at 20 stones pay double that of someone weighing 10 stones...?


Nope, they just pay the same, even with Michael O'Leary's Ryan Air! Maybe he's thinking about how to implement a additional charge for a seat belt extension???

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Some do, because they have to pay for seating with more access space.


Nah, no airline charges a fat customer more than a thinner one - However, some tall people chose to pay a premium for leg room... I think this is what you must mean, but it isn't what the OP meant...

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We pay the airlines an additional fee for excess baggage, because (apparently) the extra weight means they need to use more fuel etc.


However, a heavy person, who has baggage weighing under his allowance, may have a combined weight (himself + baggage) greater than that of a lighter man who has considerable excess baggage.


Yet, it is the lighter man who will be paying more! Is that fair?


Surely, the fairest thing to do, would be to charge for excess weight on the basis of combined (person + baggage) weight?


Why don't airlines do this?


Because its fat-ist thats why!!! I'm slim and quite light but I do know people who are natually a lot bigger than me and thats just the way they are... I also know at least three people who are often called 'fat' who have medical conditions which determine the size they are... should they be discriminated against??


If people are happy with the size they are leave them alone! Large people on the whole are not lazy and dont sit and eat themselves to death all day like people think... the best thing about this world is that people come in all shapes and sizes and you should embrace it rather than point the finger....


Even if you people being fat-ist towards larger people are skinny little things it certianly does not make you fitter and healthier than them....

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Do you define fat people by extra bum spaces or weight though ?? I know some people that weigh over 16 stone but are very tall so wear it well ? Why should weight be a problem for someone that is larger framed ? The plane they are flying in compensates for larger people on the passenger manifest.. so what ?? it's them Jihad Squirrels you should look out for ;):hihi::hihi:

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