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Does anyone know when the old trams stopped running in sheffield?


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Vauge Boy, Car 222 was the last service tram(from Beauchief to Tinsley Sheds on 8th.October 1960.) lLater that evening, 15 trams ran from Tenter St. to Beauchief and back to the Town Hall. From there some went to Queen's Road for preservation and others to Tinsley Sheds for scrapping. My father had a special interest in the lines that they ran on, as he worked in Hadfield's foundry, helping to cast them, in 1938.

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Is it preserved anywhere do you know?

I have a book in front of me now. 'SHEFFIELD TRAMS remembered'. by Graham Hague & Howard Turner. 1SBN 1 85048 006 0 by Sheaf Publishing. It cost £3.75,published in 1987. A thin book only 50 pages long. or try the library. I've had a quick look in there but cant see any reference to the fate of the 222. If youve any more queries,dont hesitate to ask and I'll consult this book. (just thought, there maybe other books around on trams ). Cheers.

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222 isnt preserved


JOGI can you just confirm the date of the last tram so that the sceptics can be reassured

Sure, no problem. DATE OF LAST TRAM, 8 OCTOBER 1960. As stated in the book i've quoted above. ( page 46). Nice to be of help P.s. Ihave just found further references to this date in 'SHEFFIELD IN THE SIXTIES' and 'GOLDEN YEARS OF SHEFFIELD'. All these books make mention of the torrential rain that evening which made it more memorable than the demise of the trams.
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I wonder if the following quote may help to clear any confusion 'Taking advantage of the tracks still being down, a special single-deck HORSE drawn tram ran on the Moor for a short time in the run-up to Christmas 1961 and that was that'. YOU CRAFTY DEVILS!.

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