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Sensical Harrison Boul


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It was with much sadness reading the obituary column in the Star, that I learned of the death of S.H.Boul(Sam).

He was my maths master in 2nd&3rd year at Nether Edge Grammar school in the early 50's.He aloso taught Physics,and doubled up as a market gardener in the old rag and tag market.

He was truly a great guy,someone who you could talk to and have a laugh with.This was very unusual in the days of bully boy teaching.

Does anyone else remember him?


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I also went to NEGS but in 1947 to 1953. I didn't meet Senc at school but played at the same Bridge group as him and Peter Spinks. as you said,he was a very nice bloke.Terry

ps do you know how to contact old boys, particularly Basil McIlroy and John Kirk.

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Hi Terry,

I don,t know either of the guys you asked about,but that is not surprising,as you was leaving as I was arriving.However,you could either search on here or friends reunited.

Appart from that I'm afraid I can't be much help.

p.s Also knew Pete Spinks,another great guy,who took me in the 4th yr.Added to that,imagine my surprise when attending night school on a metallurgy course Pete turned up again as my tutor for maths.

Good luck in your search,


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I also went to NEGS but in 1947 to 1953. I didn't meet Senc at school but played at the same Bridge group as him and Peter Spinks. as you said,he was a very nice bloke.Terry

ps do you know how to contact old boys, particularly Basil McIlroy and John Kirk.


You may find something on the Sheffield History site, there's an article by Eric Youle giving contacts details.

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