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Anyone else fined in Wickes Car Park on Fright Night?

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Actually, it's completely different.


On street parking is controled be SCC (who can fine you).


So you will completley flount the signs in car parks like wickes and M/hall retail park? If so I really hope they start licencing these private companies so they can enforce the fine.


Its all well and good parking in one of these and genuinley not seeing the sign but doing it deliberatley is a different thing.

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So you will completley flount the signs in car parks like wickes and M/hall retail park?


Nope, not me (I'm very careful about where I park) - BTW - It's "flout", not "flount":D


If so I really hope they start licencing these private companies so they can enforce the fine.


They already are (supposed to be) licenced.

It's still just an invoice from these licenced companies though, and will never be give the same status as a legal fine (thankfully).


Its all well and good parking in one of these and genuinley not seeing the sign but doing it deliberatley is a different thing.


I don't do it "accidently" or deliberately.


My point (in post 20) was a simple statement of facts, nothing more.

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So you will completley flount the signs in car parks like wickes and M/hall retail park? If so I really hope they start licencing these private companies so they can enforce the fine.


Its all well and good parking in one of these and genuinley not seeing the sign but doing it deliberatley is a different thing.



I do and no matter how hard i try i just cant seem to get one of these invoices to laugh at but no worries For now ill stay a billy no ticket but i will keep trying :)

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Many thanks for the replies everyone.


Wrongly presumed that Wickes had left car park open as a gesture of goodwill for customers, as thought they would put a chain across/barrier, if they didn't want anyone to park there. It was after 6 on arrival and stayed less than 2 hours. It was dark, didn't seem to be a light in the car park, saw no signs, to be honest.


As the store was closed, can't see what harm this was doing at all. I was also talking to a pensioner who had taken his grandson to Fright Night and thought same as us - he was distraught. He said that's more than he has to live on for the week. If anyone thinks that's ok, then I have to disagree. If Wickes are party to this, as it would seem, they deserve no custom, in my opinion and I will be boycotting them from now on, along with Centertainment. There are plenty of other places to go.

Edited by Darth Vader
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How strange, your assuming you can use other peoples land for free. :huh:

i'm not sticking up for the vultures but surely you must know any retail car park is for customers only, you'd have to be a little naive not to, why would wickes be providing parking for fright night. :huh:

Imagine you went out for a while and your neighbours visiting friend see's your drive empty, would you mind if they parked there without permission.

I suspect you were just trying to avoid paying for parking when everyone knows that's a rarity in Sheffield, next time pay up you tight git. :hihi:


Your story here is the reason i never drive into the town centre, if i really have to go there it's walk or the mountain bike, long live meadowhall. :love:

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Many thanks for the replies everyone.


Wrongly presumed that Wickes had left car park open as a gesture of goodwill for customers, as thought they would put a chain across/barrier, if they didn't want anyone to park there. Wasn't aware of this scam.



It isn't a scam. It's a private car park, in which you have no right to go.

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I parked in that Cheese Grater Carpark with the helta skelter up to the first levels. It was virtualy empty loads of parking and slap bang at the rear of the Peace Gardens - all for £3.20 !


Yes but you probably just took a little extra time finding somewhere to park...and didnt just park where you wanted to!!...:roll:

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