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Anyone else fined in Wickes Car Park on Fright Night?

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Driving around for ages, as was worse than ever for parking because people thought they couldn't rely on the buses, eventually parked in Wickes Car Park, with loads of others. Presumed this had been made available for Fright Night as a gesture by Wickes, as it was full. Came back to find a ticket on the car along with lots of others - not your average parking fine though - BUT £80! :rant: Very expensive family night out for many. But a fantastic night for the clamping company. Why does our law allow companies to screw people over like this?


We had a fabulous time at Fright Night. Pity about returning to this.


I don't visit Meadowhall Retail Park or Centertainment on principle anymore because of how people are screwed over by the parking there. I now won't be giving Wickes my business, and more importantly, my Dad won't, who is a local builder and normally spends a great deal in there.


What are you complaining about - you wanted a fright and you got one.:hihi:

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My bold


Ignorance is not a defence. Presumption got you into the mess. You wanted to park for free, when there were obviously lots of spare parking spaces in the purpose built carparks ....... learn to use them or park futher out and use the tram ............. Simples!


He doesn't need a defence as the fine is completely unenforcable in law. What a shame. Perhaps you should start a campaign for more private parking fines/clamping.

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I can't disagree with you here but I do feel that Wickes could have been more helpful and seen this as an opportunity to give something back to the city. Fright Night is an enormous success and that success depends on the efforts of the authorities, the council and both public and private sectors.


True, those people who returned to their vehicles with a fine of (allegedly) £80 probably had their night ruined.


But I'd guess the damage could be deeper because it sends out a bit of signal saying 'don't bother coming next year'. I know it would make me think twice.


The parking contract for Wickes has been given to an outside contractor. They have the responsibility of managing the parking on the site at ALL times, not just on Fright Night. They will have paid Wickes for the contract and have to recover their outlay and overheads somehow.

To be honest, these companies should be properly looked at then given the right to issue enforceable fines so they can properly carry out their business.

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... in which case they'd have been better off posting somebody on the gate of the carpark and charging a parking fee for the evening


I object to the commercialisation of Britain where we no longer have functioning spaces anymore - everything is just a conflict of interest!


housing estates used to be built with shops, schools, open spaces, parking space, and all manner of 'civil' amenities, but now a housing estate is just that.


It's the same with our town centres! Nothing is about planning, the greater good, or providing facilities to aid social interaction or similar. It's all about money grabbing and threats - right through from rattle throwing contests during planning stages through to land use thereafter


The council should be addressing local businesses on the issue of such things as fright night parking - after all, it brings people into sheffield who'd usually be somewhere else. If they like it they may come back another day, if they don't, they NEVER will!!

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Given the large number of people who clearly think they have an absolute right to use other people's land for their own purposes; perhaps this needs to change.
You do realise that's a damned good argument for refusing vehicle ownership full stop to anybody who does not have suitable overnight storage of their own?


I'd be all for it, but there's one heck of a lot of people in terraced housing who are going to be a bit put out about that ;)

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If these companies don't want people parking on their land out of business hours why don't they just put gate posts up and a heavy chain across, it would not cost much. Although of course they would not make any extra money from people parking on it and being clamped.

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Sorry, but you're wrong.


I don't believe that anyone should assume that anything is free, especially parking.


Why would I start such a stupid campaign?


Just like anything else, if you're not sure (assuming) then don't bother .... Simples!





He doesn't need a defence as the fine is completely unenforcable in law. What a shame. Perhaps you should start a campaign for more private parking fines/clamping.
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I got a ticket at wickes rotherham yesterday, I parked the car and read the parking terms and conditions on the wall which said customers only for one hour.

I had a cup of tea from the snack bar on the car park and went into wickes, when I came out I had a ticket I had been there 38 minutes. I went back inside and spoke to someone who told me it was for leaving the car park. I explained that I had not left the car park and had been using the on site snack bar. They told me to phone a number on the ticket and explain to them, this number is a premium rate number so needless to say I will be just ignoring this £80 demand for something I did not do.

It occured to me even if they dish out invalid tickets they still make a fortune from people like myself phoning the premium rate number to rectify their mistakes, another gimmick that needs looking at.

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Sorry, but you're wrong.


I don't believe that anyone should assume that anything is free, especially parking.


Why would I start such a stupid campaign?


Just like anything else, if you're not sure (assuming) then don't bother .... Simples!


LOL, prove me wrong then and tell us how these fines are legally enforceable? Oh and people who use the word 'simples' deserve only pity, so I won't bring myself down to your level to continue the debate.

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