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Gay friendly eating establishments in Sheffield


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Hi there,


Just discovered this site - it's great! Anyway, my reason for posting; a friend has asked me to ask you guys whether you can recommend any gay friendly restaurants in Sheffield. It doesn't matter what type of food, although something a bit different from the usual pubs, perhaps Italian or Spanish??


Any suggestions would be very welcome. Same applies to places not to touch with a barge pole! Thanks very much for all your help!

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Thanks for your reply. So would I. I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue really - well, it shouldn't be. But I'm just posting on behalf of a friend and that's what she's asked me to put. So if anyone knows of any that fit the bill as it were, I'd be grateful for any suggestions so I can pass them on. Cheers!

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  • 3 years later...

I go to various restaurants sometimes in a small group and sometimes with the b/f and have never had any problems.


We very often go to La Vida Loca on Hillsborough corner and they are always pleased to see us and even gave us some free wine when we told them of our engagement, but the place doesn't label itself as 'gay friendly' in any way, just generally friendly. :)


I guess Ruskins could possibly be described as such, and the Roebuck, but these aren't strictly what you would call restaurants.


I agree with theripsaw, unless they're getting it on why should it matter? A restaurant isn't the place for that anyway, whatever your persuasion.

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