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Gay friendly eating establishments in Sheffield


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Well you bunch of old romantics!!:P


Ever heard of a romantic meal, with body language, the occaisonal touch, maybe feeding your partner, looking into each others eyes etc....


I can imagine that you would want to make sure you were in a restaurant that was Gay Friendly cause if not it could turn into a disaster. I've stayed in hotels with my ex girlfriend and had every reaction from laughing to scowling to being turned away.

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Ever heard of a romantic meal, with body language, the occaisonal touch, maybe feeding your partner, looking into each others eyes etc....


Barfarama, why would anyone want to do that in public, I'd die of embarasment if someone tried to feed me in public.

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Ever heard of a romantic meal, with body language, the occaisonal touch, maybe feeding your partner, looking into each others eyes etc....


This sounds like the staff at a care home I once worked in.


Seriously though anything more than a glancing brush of hands or feet in a restaurant doesn't do it for me. Go home, get out the plastic sheets and choccy spread if you must.

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  • 5 months later...
Hi there,


Just discovered this site - it's great! Anyway, my reason for posting; a friend has asked me to ask you guys whether you can recommend any gay friendly restaurants in Sheffield. It doesn't matter what type of food, although something a bit different from the usual pubs, perhaps Italian or Spanish??


Any suggestions would be very welcome. Same applies to places not to touch with a barge pole! Thanks very much for all your help!


What an odd question, since when do restaurants treat gay people any different to hetrosexual people.

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