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Are the public sector employed middle classes sleepwalking into disaster?

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Thatcher's unpopularity stemmed from the cuts she was forced to make to get the country out of the hole Wilson and Callaghan had dropped it into.


I did hear a theory that none of the political parties were too interested in winning the next election for that reason. Maybe the Tories IMF idea is their way around that problem.

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Perhaps it would be a good idea to re-elect Labour. Whoever gets in is going to have to make savage cuts and may not be in power for very long.



Well let's hope if Smarmy Dave's Conservatives get in that it's a case of every cloud...........!

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But what you don't seem to be getting at all, is that we do need savage cuts which ever party instigates them.


Don't worry I get it. I know any party that comes in has to do it.


The question is who to trust NOT to make indiscriminate cuts that damage our city and region. I have to say out the three parties I trust the Tories the least. I don't have a great deal of faith in the others either but the Tories scare me after what they did to the north in the 80s.

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The tories are planning to cap public sector pensions at 50k, let's face it even 50k is too much, pensions like that are excessive, why are we paying for these things ? This riles me as much as bankers bonuses and politicians fiddling expenses ! The average pay in the UK is about 25k no wonder the UK is on it's backside :rant:

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The tories are planning to cap public sector pensions at 50k, let's face it even 50k is too much, pensions like that are excessive, why are we paying for these things ? This riles me as much as bankers bonuses and politicians fiddling expenses ! The average pay in the UK is about 25k no wonder the UK is on it's backside :rant:


Because Pensions are deferred pay, it is the reason people have worked in the public sector when they could have worked for higher pay in the private sector. What the Tories are suggesting is currently illegal, breach of contract on a massive scale.

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The last time Labour screwed up the economy the government had to go cap-in-hand to the IMF. Perhaps Cameron is merely being pragmatic. As for "Killing off Labour for the forseeable future' I wouldn't count on it.


That they inheritted from Heath and caused by the Oil crisis.


Thatcher's unpopularity stemmed from the cuts she was forced to make to get the country out of the hole Wilson and Callaghan had dropped it into.


Perhaps it would be a good idea to re-elect Labour. Whoever gets in is going to have to make savage cuts and may not be in power for very long.


Thatcher increased taxes and public spending, just not on social programmes. The Economy Callaghan had left was relatively healthy after a long period of austerity and pay restraint.

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It's a good job the rest of the Uk doesn't have you attitude or else Labour would have never returned to government after the problems they had in the 1970's.


I heard a quote today from an economist, I forget who, he said that who ever wins the next election will be out of power for 10 years. So I guess that he is implying that it doesn't matter who we vote for, there are massive cuts ahead.


It was the govenor of the bank of England

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...The Economy Callaghan had left was relatively healthy after a long period of austerity and pay restraint.


So healthy that he had to go cap-in-hand to the IMF.


Who was doing all the 'pay restraint'? - Would that be Mr Solomon Binding?


My pay was pretty poor back then, but I wasn't a striking miner/car maker/fireman/dustman/council worker.

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The Economy Callaghan had left was relatively healthy after a long period of austerity and pay restraint.


So the Winter of Discontent, the 24% inflation and the IMF bail out were just a figment of our imagination?

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