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Chav party this sunday at the halcyon

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some people just dont have a sense of humour do they? i mean sure i wont be goin but its only cos i cant be arsed to get chav clothing and its a club so i wunt be goin anyway. but cmon people its a bit of fun! some of the people on this thread take life way too seriously! ur prob the ones that were posting about how annoying it is when people type in text speak rather than standard spelling. well i say let people express themselevs and do whateva they want to do. if people want to have fun and poke a bit of fun at chavs than why not? its not like people are going to a chav burning where there goin to kill evry chav alive now is it?

as long as its fun and done in a humourous way and not actually being really nasty than i dont see anything wrong with it. and if no one likes what this club is doin than i say dont go!


Gasp! just realised maybe evry1 on Sheff forum who is ****** off about this chav party is secretly a chav themselves?....:suspect:


u know who u are! :hihi:


and for goodness sakes get some fashion sense!:P

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Originally posted by Greenback

The first time, yeah. Maybe even the second. But then along come people's 'hilarious' impressions of Miss Pollard, along with stunningly witty and imaginative descriptions of "chavness" - they all wear Elizabeth Duke!!! they smoke B&H!!! they live in council houses!!! - and the whole thing becomes extremely tedious.


No but yeah .. but no but yeah ... Chesneys mum says Chesney is not allowed in expensive pubs like the Halcyon cos Darrens girlfriend goes there wot fancies Chesney and wrote his number on a toilet wall so all the kids in school saw it and had a laugh but no but Chesney fancies Fiona whose is Billy's little sister anyway and erveryone knows shes done it with Dave in the bicycle sheds and got nits off him for using his comb and now her mum says she cant go out after 9 and anyway Sandra who knows Michelle said Chesneys got too many spots and she wouldnt do it with him even if he paid her !!!!

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Whilst this is probably taking the analysis of a "chav party" too far I'm going to proceed nevertheless. It would seem apparent that Halcyon is hosting a 'chav party' to poke fun at chavs. Whilst I'm all in favour of a little 'chav-bashing' now and again it does seem that those who frequent Halcyon (and will probably be in attendance at the aforementioned 'chav party') are there merely to make plain that they feel they're innately superior in some way. Therefore it would seem that the chav party is somewhat supercilious!


All this being said, I can't help but wonder whether the Toni&Guy mullet growing, G-star jean wearing, fake tanning crew that frequent the Devonshire Green area have nothing better to do with their time than immitate chavs? Furthermore, one might even dare to suggest that immitation is the highest form of displaying one's veneration for a particular group of citizens!


'Chav Party' at the Halcyon? And people have the nerve to say All Bar One is pretentious........


Well at least all the under age chavs will be in the Corporation which they seem to have taken over.



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