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Clamping now in force at Meadowhall

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Being a disabled driver myself I welcome it providing the clampers themselves are right about it. According to the news one old chap got clamped because his badge was upside down (not back to front)


I have sat in my car down there and watched the abuse of blue badges, yesterday a car full of young asian boys parked next to me, they all got out of the car and sprinted into the building. On one occasion I asked a young man who was obviously not disabled if he needed the spot explaining that I did (being disabled) his answer to me was 'tough' I have always said that the disabled person's picture should be on the front of the badge and not on the back, that way at least you can see if it's being abused.

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You have to laugh at the drivers slamming the idea, saying its "ridiculous, I've been parking illegally for years!!"


We're talking about a car park, not the highway - it's not illegal.


Anyone who views this as a service to the public instead of exploitation of customers is very naiive.

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should be done on parents and kids spaces.

annoys me so much when we can't find a space and somebody walks out there car with a 14 year old happily walking behind them, signs say they are for parents with children and pushchairs, or along those lines.

then we have to squeeze between a 4x4 and an estate, both parked on the lines so we can barely get out.


go on the clampers i say, saw a few clamped last night cos they parked on the hatched sections, too lazy to walk the extra few yards from the hundreds of spaces nearby.


*Keeholden on lottie's account :) *

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£95 is undoubtedly extortionate - is there any way of disputing this when faced with a clamper?

In the days before clamps I parked on private land - car park of an office building on a Saturday as I didn't think anyone was working that day. We had a large notice glued to the windscreen telling us not to park there again. It was an icy day and my fingers froze as I spent about twenty minutes scraping the notice off. I really learnt a lesson that day!

I'm all for parking enforcement but it needs to be proportionate.

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regarding the clamping in meadowhell we went yesterday and there was 2 cars opposite each other in disabled parkig bays clamped. It a shame there no enforcements on parent bays also as a parent of 3 children under 9yrs several times i see vans and sports cars taking the spaces who obviously have no children.

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i was once clamped not at medowhell, took me ages to cut it off-and before anyone jumps on me -yes i was parked legally-as yes they can be cut off -i know ive done it! lol-instead of meadowhall condoning the clampers they should kick them off and shame any illegal parkers by showing their cars and reg numbers on the big screens!!

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lol I agree they should wait byside of car with camera going to main screen on oasis. So we can all see there faces when they see the clamped car.It so good seeing them try and get out of the situation of why they have illegally parked in disabled parking bays with no badges.Meadowhall aint so innocent tho i once complained about them parking a blood bank across 4 parent and children parking spaces when they plenty of other spaces they could take up for ppl to use that service. There not many parent ones as there is never mind when something as big as that taking 4 up all day for 3 days.

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