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Clamping now in force at Meadowhall

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*keeholden on lotties account again*

a time limit would be silly, surely.

what if you wanted to go for a meal then watch a film and do a bit of shopping?


in other news, lottie works a few hours a week caring for a disabled lady, this week she took her to meadowhall and got clamped in the disabled bays as the badge was thw wrong way round, they got de-clamped free of charge, but thats a bit OTT methinks.


although i don't know what those badges look like or how/if they can be abused easily. there was no hastle removing the clamp though, which is good

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isnt iit 2 hours max ? my friend spent 3 hours in meadowhall and got a ticket because they thought he was using it as a park and ride park . he showed them all his receipts which spanned across 3 hours and they revoked the fine .


its about time clamping is enforced . all these idiots who cannot see over the top of their saloons taking two bays . and one idiot of a silver new shape astra on thursday evening thought he would park in red car park ground floor right near to escalators but in marked off cheverons = bet you enjoyed the view of that shiny yellow clamp as you CONVINIENTLY came back down the escalators :D and even funnier they also took a few pictures of how bent you parked in an empty / unmarked area ! r


That's the retail park, not Meadowhall.

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i was once clamped not at medowhell, took me ages to cut it off-and before anyone jumps on me -yes i was parked legally-as yes they can be cut off -i know ive done it! lol-instead of meadowhall condoning the clampers they should kick them off and shame any illegal parkers by showing their cars and reg numbers on the big screens!!


As Meadowhall have never previously clamped people that seems a bit odd.

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I don't think Meadowhall have done themselves any favours on a PR side with this. There are better ways of managing a car park effectively. It's not going to stop anyone shopping there but it certainly raises a few eyebrows.

I will stand corrected on this if it was done but personally maybe a period of say 1-2 weeks of warning letters placed on offenders vehicles, notifying them of their obvious wrong doing and providing information on how this will be dealt with in future. Then they could have rolled out the clampers...but £95!!!!....it's far too excessive for the crime. Real driving offences carry a lesser penalty. Lets get some perspective here. The only real damage done is usually a disabled badge holder will have to park further away..wrong??..yes...but clamping cars???.

The only way to beat these clampers is to park correctly..if they have no fines to dish out then they have no business, although I am slightly puzzled as to why Meadowhall haven't employed their own in house car park management team. This surely would have been cheaper and also provided local people with employment???

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