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Herdings County Primary School

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Did any one, like myself, go to Herdings School in the 60's. I started in 1965 and left to go to Ashleigh in 1971.


Its strange how memories of so long ago seem like only yesterday, when I struggle to remember what I did yesterday.


The Headmaster was Colin Henstock. Teachers included Mrs Wileman, Mr Harding, Mr Hoy.


I can remember a great number of fellow pupils in the same school year. Alan Walker, David Paradine, Paul Hague, Michael Dickenson, Susan Pridmore, Paline Fletcher, Angela Creagan, Paul Woolhouse, Robert Theaker, Anthony Hinchliffe, Andrew Schupack, Paul Taylor, Ian Woolley and loads more.

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I can remember a great number of fellow pupils in the same school year. Alan Walker


Did he have a younger sister called Janet? Lived on Morland Road or Morland Place?


I followed in similar footsteps to you, but 6 years after. I remember Colin Henstock as he was still headmaster when I was there too (a very distinctive character with his white goatee beard). Mr. Harding I remember as well, he was deputy head when I was there and head of "Howard House", one of the 4 houses at the school. He used to tell these entertaining stories about "Epaminondi" (or something like that) in assembly. A larger than life character, very likable (best not to fall foul of him though).


I met his wife when I went to Ashleigh (she taught RSA typing). Sadly Mr Harding passed away sometime around the early 80s.


Mrs Wileman rings a bell but I can't put a face to the name.


There was a Mr. Smith there when I went to the school. A chubby, somewhat stern guy. Used to run the YOC (Young Ornithologists Club). I never had much to do with him though.


There was a Mr. Kennedy as well. God he scared me to death. Our nickname for him was "Lurch", a not entirely inappropriate comparison. He was strict :o though, I can't see him fitting in to the modern education system.


Then there was that huge slice of tree with the school motto carved in it ("and with joy we'll persevere").


Nothing left of the place now though. :(

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Thanks both for replying.


Plain talker, I don't recall anyone with the surname McCartney. I'm sure that I would remember someone called McCartney in the 60s.


Vague boy. You would have gone to Herdings and Ashleigh in the same school year as my brother.

I think that Alan Walker did have a sister, he certainly lived in the Moreland area.

I certainly remember the stories about Epomonandu (you aint got the sense you were born with).

Mrs Wileman, I seem to remember, was in the Salvation Army. I remember she and Mr Harding were budding amateur opera singers, often doing a rendition of Carmens toreador song.

Mr Kennedy brings back memories. I big old fashioned Irish man, who cycled to school.

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and who can forget Mr Hines.


I remember the day he retired (I think it was his retirement anyway, not just leaving the school).


His leaving gift was a pair of binoculars.


loughborough, I must have started Herdings Junior in September 1973, I certainly started at Ashleigh in the Autumn of 1977.


I think Alan Walker's sister was called Janet, probably at least a couple of years older than me.


I never knew that Mr Kennedy cycled to school. I distinctly remember the first lesson I had with him. He was covering for another teacher and I spent the entire lesson in a state of fear! He spoke quite slowly and deliberately as I recall. Not a teacher to mess around with.


Anyone remember the fish tank in the hallway leading into the assembly hall/gym?


I used to get to go back to the school every now and then to vote (in the assembly hall/gym). How small everything looked, especially those two climbing frame whotsits in the gym.

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Mark Baby. I'm guessing your brother must have been a similar age to myself if he knew Andrew Szczupak. What was his name? I'm sure I would know him.



I also remember Mrs Mottershaw. She was my form teacher for one year. I also remember Mr Hines. I seem to remember he played the piano in assembly.


Actuall my mom worked as a dinner lady at the infants for quite a few years.


Vague boy. I started Ashleigh in 1971 and left in 1979. My brother was 6 years behind me, and left in 1983 (I think?). He would certainly have been in your year. Andrew Duggan?

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Vague boy. I started Ashleigh in 1971 and left in 1979. My brother was 6 years behind me, and left in 1983 (I think?). He would certainly have been in your year. Andrew Duggan?


I do indeed remember Andrew, very likable, popular guy (I think Teresa250, who sometimes posts in the Ashleigh thread, had a bit of a thing for him at one point).


There's a picture of Andrew on Friends Reunited, along with some other lads who I went to Herdings/Ashleigh with, such as David Staples, Gary Baker and Christopher Briggs. Hopefully this link will take you to it.


Andy would probably have left in 1982 as that was our 'O'-level year. I don't think he stayed on for 'A'-levels.

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