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Arnie for Governor

Should Arnie get elected as Governor of California?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Arnie get elected as Governor of California?

    • Yes, he is a big muscular geezer and what he says goes
    • No, I prefer politicians to know a bit about politics
    • This is a biaised poll & surely the USA arent daft and can choose sensibly

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As you will no doubt know, Arnold *name beginning with S, catch me trying to spell it* is now the clear leader for the position of Governor of the state of California.


Ca is home to Hollywood, Los Angeles and Beverley Hills, several famous beaches, a lot of wealth and a lot of poverty.


The question is, should the Americans follow an established path of voting for people just because they are famous, and everyone has heard of them (Ronald Reagan was a film star back in the 50s and became the President of the United States) or should they try and pick the best man or woman to do the job.


If Sean Bean (apologies if I spelt that wrong) was up for election as a Sheffield Member of Parliament for instance, should he get elected purely because a lot of people have heard of him?


Is fame and celebrity a good enough reason to allow anyone to run for office?



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If anyones followed whats going on in california at the moment, i think arnold might bring a refreshing change :)


the state has declared itself bankrupt loads of times over :o because of public money embezzlement (sounds familiar...)

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I wanted to vote yes because it would have meant no more Terminator films for a while but I couldn't bring my self to do it.


Do I need to justify saying no? Surely being homophobic, misogynist and republican should be enough? Oh, silly me, that makes him an ideal candidate in America, doesn't it?

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NB this is too long to print the whole of. Follow the link if you want to read the whole article.

Pippa x




Women say Arnold groped, humiliated them


Los Angeles Times

Oct. 1, 2003 09:44 PM


Six women who came into contact with Arnold

Schwarzenegger on movie sets, in studio offices and in

other settings over the last three decades say he

touched them in a sexual manner without their consent.


In interviews with the Los Angeles Times, three of the

women described their surprise and discomfort when

Schwarzenegger grabbed their breasts. A fourth said he

reached under her skirt and grabbed her buttocks.


A fifth woman said Schwarzenegger groped her and tried

to remove her bathing suit in a hotel elevator. A

sixth said Schwarzenegger pulled her onto his lap and

asked whether a certain sexual act had ever been

performed on her.


According to the women's accounts, one of the

incidents occurred in the 1970s, two in the 1980s, two

in the 1990s and one in 2000.


"Did he rape me? No," said one woman, who described a

1980 encounter in which she said Schwarzenegger

grabbed her breast. "Did he humiliate me? You bet he



Four of the six women told their stories on condition

that they not be named. Three work in Hollywood and

said they were worried that, if they were identified,

their careers would be in jeopardy for speaking out

against Schwarzenegger, the one-time bodybuilding

champion and box-office star who is now the

front-runner in the Oct. 7 gubernatorial recall



The other unnamed woman said she feared public

ridicule and possible damage to her husband's



In the four cases in which the women would not let

their names be published, friends or relatives told

the Times that the women had told them about the

incidents long before Schwarzenegger's run for



None of the six women who gave their accounts to the

Times filed any legal action against him.


Schwarzenegger's campaign spokesman, Sean Walsh, said

the candidate has not engaged in improper conduct

toward women either on the set or off. He said such

allegations are part of an escalating political attack

on Schwarzenegger as the recall election draws near.


"We believe Democrats and others are using this to try

to hurt Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign," Walsh said.

"We believe that this is coming so close before the

election, something that discourages good,

hard-working, decent people from running for office."


He said Schwarzenegger himself would have no comment.


None of the women approached the Times on her own, and

none was identified by Schwarzenegger's rivals in the

recall race.


All were interviewed by the newspaper in the course of

a seven-week examination of whether Schwarzenegger had

harassed women on or off the movie set.


Schwarzenegger's attitudes about women have been an

issue on the campaign trail, where critics have

accused him of being misogynistic, based on past

statements he has made to various publications. In

response, Schwarzenegger has said he respects women

and that many of his comments were said in jest or

simply meant to be provocative.


Schwarzenegger's conduct toward women also has been

widely discussed in Hollywood over the years, no more

so than after a March 2001 article in Premiere

magazine called "Arnold the Barbarian." After the

article appeared, a number of Schwarzenegger's

colleagues wrote to the magazine saying that the story

was inaccurate and that Schwarzenegger treated women

with respect and kindness.


The earliest incident of the six described to the

Times was said to have occurred in 1975 at Gold's Gym

near Venice Beach, Calif. E. Laine Stockton, then

newly married to professional bodybuilder Robby

Robinson, said she had come to the gym to watch her

husband work out.


Stockton was 19 at the time. She said she was wearing

slacks, tennis shoes and a loose-fitting T-shirt. She

said she was not wearing a bra.


As she sat on an exercise bench, Stockton said,

Schwarzenegger walked up behind her, reached his left

hand under her T-shirt and touched her bare left



"The gym is full of bodybuilders and Arnold comes and

he gropes my breast -- actually touches my breast with

his left hand," she said.


She said Schwarzenegger then walked away without



Stockton said she does not rule out the possibility

that Schwarzenegger "may have meant it in

playfulness." But she did not take it that way.


"I was just shocked, shocked to the point where I

almost didn't know how to react, because it was so out

of the blue and so unexpected," she said. "It just

completely caught me off guard, and when I finally

came to my senses, I immediately went over to Robby

and I said, 'Look, Arnold just groped my breast.' "


Robinson, a former Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr.

Universe, said that at the time of the incident, he

had been across the gym getting a dumbbell.


"I ran up and tried to comfort her," said Robinson,

who has since had a falling out with Schwarzenegger.

(A black known as the "Black Prince" during his years

on the professional bodybuilding circuit, Robinson has

accused Schwarzenegger of racism -- a charge that

Schwarzenegger's campaign denies.)


Robinson said he was upset by what Schwarzenegger had

done to his wife, but did not confront him. "What he

did was uncalled for, but I couldn't say nothing,"

Robinson said, explaining that he feared he'd be

ostracized by the bodybuilding world.


He said he told his wife to stay out of Gold's Gym

from then on.


Robinson and Stockton are now divorced. They were

interviewed separately by the Times.


The next incident described to the Times was said to

have occurred in 1980. A former pro beach volleyball

player said Schwarzenegger touched her breast on a

Santa Monica, Calif., street.


The woman remembered walking down 19th Street, just

off Wilshire Boulevard, when Schwarzenegger spotted

her and got out of his car, the motor still running.


"Come here," she recalled Schwarzenegger saying, as he

motioned with his finger to the woman, then 22.


The two knew each other. She worked as a waitress at

Fromin's deli, she said, a place Schwarzenegger

frequented. One day, she recalled, Schwarzenegger

asked her when she was going on break. "We could have

a lot of fun in half an hour," she remembered him

saying. She said she was both a little scared and a

little flattered. "I can't say I wasn't flattered.

Arnold invited me to his apartment." She said she

declined his invitation.


Schwarzenegger renewed his invitation, she said, when

he spotted her playing in a women's volleyball

tournament at Venice Beach. "After the game, he came

up to me and said, 'Now you will come to my

apartment.' He didn't want to hear no." The woman said

she told him, "It's not going to happen."


This time, she said, as she walked along 19th Street,

Schwarzenegger conveyed a sense of urgency: "Come

close, it's very important." As she drew nearer to

hear what he had to say, she recounted, Schwarzenegger

"grabbed and squeezed" her left breast.


"If I was a man," she said she told him, "I would bust

your jaw."


As tears welled in her eyes, she said, Schwarzenegger

laughed. "He thought it was hilarious."


She said she went to her car and "just started crying

and crying."


(to complete the story follow the link above)

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Women also said John Lesley raped them. It turned out not to be true.


Lets get off the subject of 'just cos a woman says it happened and starts crying, doesn't mean it happened'.


Cos, things aren't just black and white like that.

If Arnie DID do those things, that would be some serious skeletons in his closet... which he would've known would come back and bite him in the a$$.


I'm sorry, I don't buy it!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Women also said John Lesley raped them. It turned out not to be true.


I see that differently. Women said that John Leslie raped them, and the courts dismissed this.


I don't necessarily see that as the same as it not being true.


In this country, less than 7% of reported rapes end in a conviction. This is an outrageous figure. Noone can believe that 93% of women who report rape are lying, therefore an awful lot of rapists are getting away with it.


And many many more women don't report rapes which inevitably adds to the number of rapists getting away with it.


Just because someone hasn't been convicted of something does *not* mean they didn't do it.

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