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The Sheffield Not All That Famous


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I came across a thread listing the Sheffield Famous people.


I'd like to ask the following:


Has any king in history come from Sheffield?


Has Sheffield ever spawned a Prime Minister?


Has Sheffield ever birthed an Archbishop of Canterbury?


Has Sheffield ever fathered a world dictator?


Has Sheffield bred a world-famous general?


Was Sheffield the birthplace of any household name novelist, poet, or writer?


Did any Sheffield scientist find the cure for any disease, discover a force of nature, or have a scientific theory named after them?


Has any Sheffielder assassinated a famous historic figure?


Did any Sheffielder design a famous cathedral or the world's tallest building?


Was any Sheffield-born person the first to discover any continent, pole, highest, or deepest place on earth?


It seems the best we can come up with is a hair band that pretends to be American, a few average actors, and a comedian not even known outside Yorkshire.


Can you name any Sheffield person who is not just a celebrity, but has made a) made a major impact on the world and b) is world-renowned for it?


I'm afraid I can't.

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Thomas Firth created stainless steel... Bessemer (although not born in Sheffield) created his most important work in Sheffield too...


Joe Cocker is world famous, in a similar way to Tom Jones fame anyways...


There are many more bands and music bods from Sheffield that Arctic Monkeys ( I assume that they are the american band - with the sheff accents - you mean?)... Jarvis, Richard Hawley, Human League were massive on the electro scene in their day too...


I understand that somewhere as small as Grantham managed to spawn both a PM and a dictator in Thatcher, but it's not the best claim to fame is it???


Nottingham fares better in the literary stakes however - but then, I'm from Nottingham and always found the LEA to be at fault for not including Lawrence, Byron or Silitoe in the English sylabus...

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I came across a thread listing the Sheffield Famous people. I'd like to ask the following:


Has any king in history come from Sheffield? erm no because no Royal people ever lived here, except Mary, although a couple of kings did make a day trip to Dore once, to unite their kingdoms. :)

Has Sheffield ever spawned a Prime Minister?

Has Sheffield ever birthed an Archbishop of Canterbury?

Has Sheffield ever fathered a world dictator?

Has Sheffield bred a world-famous general?

Was Sheffield the birthplace of any household name novelist, poet, or writer or artist? Ruskin, PD James, Margaret Drabble, Chantry, Scarborough, Cunningham, P OwenJones (just off the top of my head)

Did any Sheffield scientist find the cure for any disease, discover a force of nature, or have a scientific theory named after them?

Has any Sheffielder assassinated a famous historic figure?

Did any Sheffielder design a famous cathedral or the world's tallest building?

Was any Sheffield-born person the first to discover any continent, pole, highest, or deepest place on earth?

It seems the best we can come up with is a hair band that pretends to be American, a few average actors, and a comedian not even known outside Yorkshire.

Can you name any Sheffield person who is not just a celebrity, but has made a) made a major impact on the world and b) is world-renowned for it?All the people associated with steel (Firth)and metal (Bessemer) for instance to name a couple.

I'm afraid I can't.

Have any other cities, towns or villages spawned many of these types of people either though? I might be able to come up with others, if I cared enough to bother :D Do you mean Def Leppard?

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Have any other cities, towns or villages spawned many of these types of people either though? I might be able to come up with others, if I cared enough to bother :D Do you mean Def Leppard?


You know what? I never even thought of the Lepard! How bad is that, considering I was a Rebels regular????:hihi:

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Actually, I was a bit slow picking up your acrimonious tone, it's late and I'm tired. But as you only just joined SF, where are you from? You should check on the Wiki, and see if any 'famous' people come from there? :D


I'm not a Sheffield bod either, but I still knew about the engineering giants of the 1800's - I don't think that the op is very familiar with the old Industrial Revolution history and Sheffield's massive part in it... Bless! Something for History homework, eh?

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