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The Sheffield Not All That Famous


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While all your posts are very valuable and not a waste of time at all. It's funny how people refuse to read what is in front of them, jump to conclusions, and resort so quickly to personal attack.


You happen to be wrong on a couple of points, I took the time to read all this thread, certainly didn't jump to any conclusion and if you consider it to be a personal attck on you then you are wrong, but most of the posts you have made in this thread are still drivel. You are asking for names of people who in your opinion, have made it big in the world....I'm sorry but it is a bit of a silly one.


There is one person from Sheffield whose work is is replicated world wide and saves many lives on a daily basis but I bet you don't know his name. He invented angioplasty worked at the Northern General....How is that for making it big time and leaving a legacy for the world

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You happen to be wrong on a couple of points, I took the time to read all this thread, certainly didn't jump to any conclusion and if you consider it to be a personal attck on you then you are wrong, but most of the posts you have made in this thread are still drivel. You are asking for names of people who in your opinion, have made it big in the world....I'm sorry but it is a bit of a silly one.


There is one person from Sheffield whose work is is replicated world wide and saves many lives on a daily basis but I bet you don't know his name. He invented angioplasty worked at the Northern General....How is that for making it big time and leaving a legacy for the world


You seem to be taking it very personally that a simple statement is true as described in the opening post of the thread. You are right, there are lots of worthy people who have made a difference, that's not my point. You are entitled to call my postings whatever you like. If they are drivel, wouldn't it be more effective to ignore them rather than feeling compelled to attack them?

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You seem to be taking it very personally that a simple statement is true as described in the opening post of the thread. You are right, there are lots of worthy people who have made a difference, that's not my point. You are entitled to call my postings whatever you like. If they are drivel, wouldn't it be more effective to ignore them rather than feeling compelled to attack them?


Here here...Its a forum..............its supposed to be chilled,folk just having a chat or a say...

Try this....:|

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You seem to be taking it very personally that a simple statement is true as described in the opening post of the thread. You are right, there are lots of worthy people who have made a difference, that's not my point. You are entitled to call my postings whatever you like. If they are drivel, wouldn't it be more effective to ignore them rather than feeling compelled to attack them?


You ask in your first post if anyone found a cure for an illness, well if you read my post properly then I have already answered you....Dr Cumberland found a cure for blocked arteries in the heart. As well as all the other names people have posted, how many (famous) people do you want from one city.


I say again this is not an attack on you, I'm simply replying to your post, pretty much the same as you really. I retract the word drivel and just say that your argument and logic on this matter leaves a lot to be desired :)

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You ask in your first post if anyone found a cure for an illness, well if you read my post properly then I have already answered you....Dr Cumberland found a cure for blocked arteries in the heart. As well as all the other names people have posted, how many (famous) people do you want from one city.


I say again this is not an attack on you, I'm simply replying to your post, pretty much the same as you really. I retract the word drivel and just say that your argument and logic on this matter leaves a lot to be desired :)


Look, I was being a bit wordy in my first post to make a point, and I was thinking of Alexander Fleming when I wrote that. The key point is a) made a major impact on the world and b) is world-renowned for it So, when I think of Churchill, Gandhi, Nelson, Columbus, da Vinci, etc. etc. do I think 'Oh yeah, and Dr. Cumberland, of course!" No, I don't. My point was a mere musing that big as and great as Sheffield is, no historically great figure has ever come from here. There have been fine industrialists, inventors, doctors, artists, teachers, whatever, but nobody "great." It's really not a big deal and I wonder why it is so difficult a concept to grasp!

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  • 9 months later...
You know what? I never even thought of the Lepard! How bad is that, considering I was a Rebels regular????:hihi:


Good on you, God knows I've tried hard enough to forget, the scars fade, but the memory refuses to die. Me, stuck in an armchair, utterly unable to move thanks to some very naughty jazz fags forced to listen to 'Hysteria' at a volume that would have caused a rhinoceros to lose control of its bowels.



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I came across a thread listing the Sheffield Famous people.


I'd like to ask the following:


Has any king in history come from Sheffield?


Has Sheffield ever spawned a Prime Minister?


Has Sheffield ever birthed an Archbishop of Canterbury?


Has Sheffield ever fathered a world dictator?


Has Sheffield bred a world-famous general?


Was Sheffield the birthplace of any household name novelist, poet, or writer?


Did any Sheffield scientist find the cure for any disease, discover a force of nature, or have a scientific theory named after them?


Has any Sheffielder assassinated a famous historic figure?


Did any Sheffielder design a famous cathedral or the world's tallest building?


Was any Sheffield-born person the first to discover any continent, pole, highest, or deepest place on earth?


It seems the best we can come up with is a hair band that pretends to be American, a few average actors, and a comedian not even known outside Yorkshire.


Can you name any Sheffield person who is not just a celebrity, but has made a) made a major impact on the world and b) is world-renowned for it?


I'm afraid I can't.


You are taking the <removed> big style, go back to where you come from and do not insult the name of Sheffield. I would advise you to look at books "not the internet" to reaserch your facts which seem to be not correct.

Are you trying to wind up folk, because you are going the right way, try the towns down south and leave Sheffield alone.

I guess you are at Sheffield Uni and if you are walk down Fargate and the Moor with that attitude on a Friday you will be history.

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