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Church to be used as a mosque

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I dont want this to be a Muslim hate thread because i am sure(or i hope) that most Muslims will not approve of this.


A mosque is to be built in the place of St Johns church Longsight Manchester.

Here are the graves being desecrated by a JCB to make way for the Mosques car park.> http://video.aol.co.uk/video-detail/the-desecration-of-st-johns-church-longsight-manchester/1490643799


Why build a Mosque over a church? why not build it elsewhere?

Clearly this is a slap in the face to all Christians. :shakes:


Its the type of thing that can lead one to believe that Islam/Muslims have moved on from merely having the right to practice their religion in little small corners of our country, and are seeking to turn our country into their country.




I'v looked into this myself and it apears that the digger was working on an area that did NOT have grave stones on it

But what they intend to do with the area where there are grave stones http://go.sheffieldforum.co.uk/?id=203X323&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmaps.google.co.uk%2Fmaps%3Ff%3Dq%26source%3Ds_q%26hl%3Den%26geocode%3D%26q%3Dlongsight%2Bmanchester%26sll%3D53.478967%2C-2.251232%26sspn%3D0.00613%2C0.013754%26gl%3Duk%26ie%3DUTF8%26hq%3D%26hnear%3DLongsight%2C%2BManchester%2C%2BLancashire%2C%2BUnited%2BKingdom%26ll%3D53.456755%2C-2.202845%26spn%3D0%2C359.986246%26t%3Dh%26z%3D16%26layer%3Dc%26cbll%3D53.456785%2C-2.202717%26panoid%3Ds_x_xrGAM6nPwucgZCzf2Q%26cbp%3D12%2C0.11%2C%2C0%2C5.66

We'l have to wait and see.


This sort thing has gone on since the invention of religion. Think Blue Dome Mosque in Istanbul (once a church) and the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque which has probably changed hands between the faiths (by conquest though) many times over the centuries.


Specifically about this church, if it ain't being used and isn't getting anybody through the door, why not allow it to be used for something else (Synagogue, Mosque, Winebar, Bank, whatever). It's not the Muslims fault the Christian worshippers just aren't there.


My bold - come on now Aim4, since when have they only had the right to practice their religion in small corners, anybody can practice any religion anywhere (as long as it doesn't infringe the law). And our country might also be their country.


Agree about the cemetary though, it should be treated with sympathy and respect.

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atheists don't believe in anything, but Polytheists kind of ruin the 'we all worship the same god but with different names' line.


Polytheists believe there is not one god but many.


Also, do you really think you wouldn't be able to bear living if you didn't believe?


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I'm a Christian - and this doesn't bother me. Why? because I know that church has nothing to do with church buildings. Church (ecclesia) is a group of "called out" people - not a building. You can have church anywhere, so it's not a problem.

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While it's sad to see any religious building of any character go, this happens all the time.


The church sells off their de-consecrated buildings and they become gyms or carpet warehouses or whatnot (that's happened in Woodhouse in at least 3 old churches).


There's a mosque in Bolton that was once a church.


I say "good on 'em" if they can see past the religious hatred and can re-use the building for their own means.


I don't think I'd be 100% comfortable worshipping God (I'm CofE) in a converted mosque, but each to their own.

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History concurs that Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed existed, however nothing proves the existence of god (please note small case g). I don't respect my own, so called religion, so why should I respect other peoples beliefs?


Jesus tried to get people out of the synagogues by preaching that 'god is everywhere', good on him, even though I question his belief, all of the major faiths have made 'god' into a multi million £ industry. So if you attend a synagogue, church, chapel or mosque on a regular basis, but outwardly are a bad person, do you move up on the pecking order over a good person who is a none a believer?


Certain Muslim clerics preach that it is acceptable for a true believer to kill an unbeliever, the SS made sport out of murdering Jews, as did the Serbian Christian death squads in respect of Muslims.


They can all stuff their churches, chapels and mosques where the sun doesn't shine, I make an exception in respect of the Jews, who are self financing, and don't shove their faith in your face. Both Christianity and Islam have increased their following by subjication, the Jews have never attempted to convert folk to their beliefs.


Before anyone starts to think that I am Jewish, I'm C of E, well lapsed.

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I think you will find it different if you went to the local Methodist, Baptist or Salvation Army, to name three. The one I know about from personal experience relies on the congregation supporting the pastor and paying for the upkeep of the church.



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