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Church to be used as a mosque

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how many muslims in government, powerful positions, house of lords, boards of big companies?


not many


britain will NEVER be an islamic state


Agree- even if idiots like Anjum Chaudary and his merry men see different.


Their next act is the March for Shariah which happens tomorrow- now that is fuel for the BNP.


The fanatical group Islam4UK has *announced plans to hold a potentially *incendiary rally in London later this month.


And it is calling for a complete upheaval of the British legal system, its officials and *legislation.


Members have urged Muslims from all over Britain to converge on the capital on October 31 for a procession to demand the full implementation of sharia law.


On a website to promote their cause they deride British institutions, showing a mock-up picture of Nelson’s Column surmounted by a minaret.


http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/134080 (trust the DEX to jump on it though- and it was front page news).


The more this idiot parades himself and his group in public calling for a draconian anti-liberal legal system repugnant to 99.9% of all British citizens, the more he presses the screws upon himself and his fellow Muslims.


I'm with this guy:



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Agree- even if idiots like Anjum Chaudary and his merry men see different.

yeah its like the buckingham palace / mosque "none" story, its just an idiot thinking out loud, its not going to happen, he can think all he likes.............its like me wanting to win the lottery, its most likely NEVER going to happen but it doesnt stop me thinking i am

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Christianity is in decline, congregations dwindling. Islam is expanding all the time, therefore more Mosques are being built. So the statement made "we will never be an Islamic State" is probably incorrect. There are enough Muslims in this country now to decide the outcome of any General Election, thats why the main parties chase their votes. Only the BNP are too thick to see this. In a few generations time, the world will be Muslim. Simply because we have all forsaken our own faiths.


Its views like this which give more support to the BNP

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How long have the muslims had the church at the junction of herries and barnsley road near the old entrance of the northern general hospital ?? Not wanting to be a pro muslim or owt but they do have notices posted all over the old church asking worshippers to respect the locals when parking etc and to keep the noise levels down when entering the mosque.. seems pretty polite to me....


They have used part of that church for some years. I have hi lighted that part of the quote because the sign needs to be several feet taller because I can tell you now that the parking around there at prayer time is ridiculas. Bothe sides of the road, people pulling out on you from all sides, parking on double yellows right upto and even in front of the lights.


The noise part I dont think will be a problem as the only houses are on one side, high up and set back, but the traffic is a REAL problemo for sure.

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I'v looked into this myself and it apears that the digger was working on an area that did NOT have grave stones on it


Oh, well thank goodness for that.


Were it not for your post right here, we wouldn't have known that this story was essentially, a load of nonsense:rolleyes:

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how many muslims in government, powerful positions, house of lords, boards of big companies?


not many


britain will NEVER be an islamic state


for once we agree .


i hope the mad Mullahs at Islam4uk get plenty of news coverage at their march ,as it will breed many new BNP supporters

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