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Scientific advisor on drugs sacked for telling truth

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From a Parliamentary Report titled Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy Making which was published more than three years ago, a group of MP's recommended that ministers:




Policy-based evidence making? Ha ha.


From the same report:





ROFLCOPTER... ...just for the uber saddo gamers out there...

Seems to me like voices are getting stifled by the powers that be int government here... some boffin has an opinion and the first time he gives his professional advice to the media he is a pariah ?? Kill all the learned ones eh ?? Im tooled up with sharp objects and dogs ... just in case like.... ;):hihi::hihi:

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From Platitude of The Day




Dear Professor Nutt


In previous correspondence with you the Government has highlighted the value that we place on receiving high quality scientific advice from the ACMD.


It is precisely for this reason that we asked you to find evidence in support of a pre-determined Government policy that was acceptable to readers of the tabloid press. Your total failure in this regard raises doubts about your independence as a scientific advisor.


Not only have you singularly failed to produce the requested evidence, you have not even attempted to distort existing evidence. There has been no massaging of the statistics, no exaggeration of the significance of minor studies and anecdotal testimony, no attempt to suppress embarrassing data. All contrary to established Government practise. Indeed, I am left wondering what qualifications you have to fulfil this high profile role or whether you have any proper understanding of the role of science in informing policy decisions.


You may wish to take a leaf out of Sir John Scarlett's book. Sir John was given the far more demanding task of finding evidence of WMDs in Iraq, a task that he performed masterfully, working closely with such distinguished professionals as the Prime Minister's press secretary. The resultant dossier was widely regarded as the definitive statement of the threat posed by the then Iraqi regime, and doubted only by some dodgy journalists and one rather eccentric weapons expert, both of whom were soon disposed of. You will note that Sir John's career has blossomed thanks to this fine tradition of public service.


Your recent remarks have highlighted comparable risks among legal drugs and sporting activities. This is totally unacceptable. It is not your role to go around informing people about things and giving them facts. It completely undermines government policy. All of the evidence must be presented to the public through trusted, Right Honourable statesmen, such as myself.


It is for these reasons that I have lost all confidence in your ability to provide me with the evidence that the Government would like to see. Nor do I trust you to keep your trap shut about the true state of affairs.


I would therefore ask you to step down from the council with immediate effect.


The Home Secretary, the Right Honourable Alan Johnson MP



(Whatever that means)


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You couldnt make it up could you.


They spend thousands getting advice from experts and totaly ignore it and then sack the messenger.


What is the point of it all ?


Its either this or they make up infomation to drag us into wars, why dont the lot of them shoot themselves in the head and let real inteligent people run the country ?


I believe the advisors are not paid.


They are only there to offer advice, the minister has to decide.

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  1. Avoid doing anything about an issue for a few years by paying scientists to research a matter.
  2. When their reports tells the truth, sack them.
  3. Say you need more research and then hire someone who will simply write what you tell them to.


Didn't they say something about ecstasy being safer than horse riding, on the basis that many more people take ecstasy than go horse riding, but horse riding kills or injures more people? That legal alcohol and tobacco are far more harmful than the illegal drugs; and that cannabis was probably correctly classified as class C? All true.


Response: Ignore them, sack them and reclassify cannabis.


Well I suppose this is the Government of Lies.


Ann Widdicombe is backing the Government on this one, as am I.

She points out that there are also less murders than ecstasy deaths each year, so by that yardstick we should legalise murder?

Ecstasy is dangerous, you can die the first time of using it.

Of course you could fall of a horse the first time, but it is not the same as you well know.

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Ann Widdicombe is backing the Government on this one, as am I.

She points out that there are also less murders than ecstasy deaths each year, so by that yardstick we should legalise murder?

Ecstasy is dangerous, you can die the first time of using it.

Of course you could fall of a horse the first time, but it is not the same as you well know.


As you can die the first time you consume paracetemol, peanuts or shellfish :huh: Or get stung by a wasp

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Ann Widdicombe is backing the Government on this one, as am I.

She points out that there are also less murders than ecstasy deaths each year, so by that yardstick we should legalise murder?

Ecstasy is dangerous, you can die the first time of using it.

Of course you could fall of a horse the first time, but it is not the same as you well know.


The Tories are imo even more susceptible to tabloid driven agendas. An excellent example of this was the Conservative shadow home secretary Ann Widdecombe's famous speech at the 2000 Tory conference, in which she called for a fixed penalty of £100 for a first offence of possessing drugs - no matter how small the quantity. Widdicombe also repeated the lie that ecstasy killed Leah Betts, the Patron Saint of Misinformation.

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