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Bus drivers above the law now?


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Yet from what ive heard, you have certain stops which you have to be on time no matter what, so part of what you say is true, but there are other stops, from what ive experianced, buses can be early or late, and it annoys people.


And with regards to the strikes, the whole thing seems to be over one manager at the olive grove depot, thats why other depots are operating.


Yes out of maybe 30 - 40 stops we will have 5 or 6 stops that are time points. As for the other us stops, the time the on the timetable will be that from the earlier time point so the customers should always be there for when the bus is due. The time from a time point will be the same for the next 4 or 5 stops till the next time point.

And yes olive grove would be a lot better to work at with out a certain manager!

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Yet from what ive heard, you have certain stops which you have to be on time no matter what, so part of what you say is true, but there are other stops, from what ive experianced, buses can be early or late, and it annoys people.


And with regards to the strikes, the whole thing seems to be over one manager at the olive grove depot, thats why other depots are operating.


I think you have hit the nail on the head here probably.

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Yes out of maybe 30 - 40 stops we will have 5 or 6 stops that are time points. As for the other us stops, the time the on the timetable will be that from the earlier time point so the customers should always be there for when the bus is due. The time from a time point will be the same for the next 4 or 5 stops till the next time point.

And yes olive grove would be a lot better to work at with out a certain manager!


Are you essentially saying, that the arival time for buses on the minor stops is not the time shown, but its from the previous time to the new time?

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The thing that is apparent to me, is the drivers in this type of industry are shooting themselves in the foot by striking, the people it affects are the people that will put pressure on the local goverment to sort things out, which in the end may put them out of a job.

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From the latest on the strikes on first's website, it seems to suggest the union suppots them. Or am I taking it the wrong way? read it and tell me :)




"We just cannot concede to every unreasonable demand including the reinstatement of a driver who has committed theft or a driver who has committed fraud. The Union is even demanding we reverse a decision upheld by an Employment Tribunal.


"It is now obvious that the Union has no real intention of resolving this matter and is intent on trying to cause problems to the people and businesses of Sheffield, including our own. This will undoubtedly have an impact on drivers jobs in the future."


Believing what the management tell you without independent verification is probably unwise.

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Are you essentially saying, that the arival time for buses on the minor stops is not the time shown, but its from the previous time to the new time?[/QUote



So the bus should never be early leaving a time point and should always be early for the customer at the next few stops.


But dont forget a lot of people dont realise that the buses run on different running boards when the kids are off school cos of less traffic on the roads, but the time tables dont get updated.

And of course the traffic makes a big difference. In towns at peak times its inpossibel to keep to schedule

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Are you essentially saying, that the arival time for buses on the minor stops is not the time shown, but its from the previous time to the new time?


IF the time points are the old Empire on Abbeydale road and the next is Archer Rd South, there are about 10 stops so its not possible to get to each stop on time so the ones inbetween will more than likely have the same stop time as the Empire if this makes sense:huh:

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Thanks for clearing it all up people :)can you drivers vote in the union to have a manager sacked? :-P prolly not but its a thought!


I really hate the strikes, but if guys are not getting fair pay then it is not on.


Really sucks though, that stagecoach have been running a VERY poor service during strikes.... they took 25s off and put on more 88s, 83s etc. Four 88 busses in a row every 5 mins while people waiting 2 hours for a 25. Pure disgrace.


Oops gone off topic.

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What i don't get is this; if somebody has beenunfairly dismissed or disiplined then they can go to an industrial tribunal if they feel they have a stromg enough case. Could it be that they feel they don't have a strong case so they use strikes to win anyway?

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