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Bus drivers above the law now?


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Whatever the issues around the strike, I find it very sad that the drivers are striking on remembrance Sunday. I know a number of elderly, frail, ex-service folk who were relying on the bus to go to a British Legion cermony or church service and are very upset that they cannot do so because of the strike. I really am not taking sides, but I do think it is a very inappropriate day to take strike action. Noel


Thats off now "Sunday"

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but they ran a hourly service for free so makes a mockery of that idea. Seriousley if this carries on with the strike action it wont help the reputation of the campany and the drivers.


For a lot of people on this forum, the drivers could run free buses, carry the shopping to the door, after paying the bill at the shop, tuck the kids into bed, and they would still be lambasted for not smiling whilst they did it.

I think if it was up to me, I would pay little heed to the opinions on here about the drivers, and continue to strive to resolve this unsatisfactory situation.


The company have put out some very missleading "information" regarding this dispute and it is being acepted without question by a lot of people despite it being rather fictional.

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For a lot of people on this forum, the drivers could run free buses, carry the shopping to the door, after paying the bill at the shop, tuck the kids into bed, and they would still be lambasted for not smiling whilst they did it.

I think if it was up to me, I would pay little heed to the opinions on here about the drivers, and continue to strive to resolve this unsatisfactory situation.


The company have put out some very missleading "information" regarding this dispute and it is being acepted without question by a lot of people despite it being rather fictional.


so first havent got arrogant drivers then i could name at least several incidents and drivers are always right . Drivers and the union now think there above the law strip first of its licence then see who would be complaining at least there in jobs and should be gratefull theres plenty of people who would want a job .

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Hi all, I apolagise In advance if I have taken the info on first's webiste out of contect. But it looks like the union thinks it if fine for bus drivers to commit fraud and steal?


From what I have seen latly, it seems first drivers can get away with anything as the union will back them no matter what they get up too.


Or did I get the wrong end of the stick here? Striking as they want to continue committing fraud? (I assume it's the thing where they charge over what the ticket displays which is happening alot on first busses latly...)


as usual on here someone pontificating about something they actually know nowt about.

the first drivers, of which i used to be one, are striking ,not for the reasons you suggest but because the company management are consistently flouting disaplinary proceedures, i.e. irrespective of a drivers alleged misdemeaour, they are being placed on final written warnigs on all aspects (in it's self a very severe bend in company law), for example a driver with a previously good work record is placed on a final written on all aspects for running a mere 1 MINUTE EARLY,

in any other companies there are stages to be followed in respect of disaplinary proceedures that are adhered to, i.e verbal warning's, written warning ,then a final written warning and ultimately dismissal, these proceedures are NOT being followed at "first" hence the industrial action.


these people are only trying to protect their jobs.

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so first havent got arrogant drivers then i could name at least several incidents and drivers are always right . Drivers and the union now think there above the law strip first of its licence then see who would be complaining at least there in jobs and should be gratefull theres plenty of people who would want a job .


there are also a multitude of other "sevice" personnel that could be tarred with the same brush,

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as usual on here someone pontificating about something they actually know nowt about.

the first drivers, of which i used to be one, are striking ,not for the reasons you suggest but because the company management are consistently flouting disaplinary proceedures, i.e. irrespective of a drivers alleged misdemeaour, they are being placed on final written warnigs on all aspects (in it's self a very severe bend in company law), for example a driver with a previously good work record is placed on a final written on all aspects for running a mere 1 MINUTE EARLY,

in any other companies there are stages to be followed in respect of disaplinary proceedures that are adhered to, i.e verbal warning's, written warning ,then a final written warning and ultimately dismissal, these proceedures are NOT being followed at "first" hence the industrial action.


these people are only trying to protect their jobs.


running early even a min is wrong the trams dont do it why do buses? thats why the service is so poor if every bus ran early it would cause problems so your argument is void.

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so first havent got arrogant drivers then i could name at least several incidents and drivers are always right . Drivers and the union now think there above the law strip first of its licence then see who would be complaining at least there in jobs and should be gratefull theres plenty of people who would want a job .


Have you read any of the previous posts?


I have not said that First have no arrogant drivers, The union has a legitimate grievance. The company are trying to mislead the public and are putting up an effective smokescreen. If you want to believe it and ignore all the other points then thats fine but dont expect people to take you seriously.


YET AGAIN how can first be stripped of its license?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, as a bus driver for FIRST i find that it is a load of rubbish what the company are telling the public. The union would never try to support a driver that has been caught fiddling. There are posters on the walls in olive grove from the unite union telling drivers not involve themself in any kind of theft or fraud because they will not get the support of the union. As for the running early issues the drivers can not do it under any cirrcumstances. Running late is ok, not early. But when we are late we get moaned at because people are stood in the cold or rain so that is why we try to keep to the times on the running boards, even if it means driving quicker. As for all the issues that are going on with the strike, i dont blame the drivers. Yes we feel sorry for the public going without buses but when the company gives you a final warning over a simple little things, such as being a miniute late or having time off when genuinly sick is that fair?? If all you people that read this and think its ok to be given a final warning for being a miniute late and have that on your mind for the next 12 months while still tryin to do your job is ok, then come to First are try it. You will all be in for a shock.


Here here!!!


Been a drivers wife from olive grove for 13 years & the rubbish that has gone on is unbelievable! First spout a whole load of tosh & the public believe them!!!

Bring back the good old days of Unit 52 at Greenland Road, those were the days I certainly didn't mind Hubby being a driver!!


Victoria x

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As a bus driver myself (not first). Is it fair that we are made to work compulsary overtime because we are running an hour late because of traffic congestion?? Only to be told when u phone the garage to be adjusted, that you must carry on regardless of what time you finish. This is why you are getting 4 and 5 buses turning up at once, especially on the 52 route. This is the most stressful job i have ever done and i wouldnt reccomend it to anyone. For all the moaners i suggest you try it before you critisise the poor drivers!!!!

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