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Bus drivers above the law now?


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As a bus driver myself (not first). Is it fair that we are made to work compulsary overtime because we are running an hour late due to traffic congestion??? Only to be told when you phone the garage to be adjusted, that you must carry on regardless of what time you finish work. This is why you are getting 4 and 5 buses turning up at once, especially on the 52 route. This is the most stressful job i have ever done and wouldnt recommend it to anyone. For all the moaners i suggest you try it before you critisise the poor drivers.

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There seems to be a lot of bus related topics on the forum and most of them negative towards the drivers, this one no different. we have buses running late, drivers issuing wrong tickets, drivers been rude, drivers fighting, etc etc.

Are they really that bad?

Do people just like moaning?

Is a lot of the problems the drivers fault?

what would the complainers do to improve the situation?

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There seems to be a lot of bus related topics on the forum and most of them negative towards the drivers, this one no different. we have buses running late, drivers issuing wrong tickets, drivers been rude, drivers fighting, etc etc.

Are they really that bad?

Do people just like moaning?

Is a lot of the problems the drivers fault?

what would the complainers do to improve the situation?


Its a Sheffield 'Thing' LOL

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That's certainly true of some on here. Such is their pathological hatred of bus drivers, one can only conclude that a bus driver must have nicked their Christmas presents when they were 6.


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:Or may be they were cliped round the ear by the conductor (for not getting up for o.a.p's)

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As a bus driver myself (not first). Is it fair that we are made to work compulsary overtime because we are running an hour late because of traffic congestion?? Only to be told when u phone the garage to be adjusted, that you must carry on regardless of what time you finish. This is why you are getting 4 and 5 buses turning up at once, especially on the 52 route. This is the most stressful job i have ever done and i wouldnt reccomend it to anyone. For all the moaners i suggest you try it before you critisise the poor drivers!!!!


Well said and its even cheered me up up by the fact First may not be the worst to work for. Phew :D

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IS running early that "Trivial"?


or are the bus company obliged to follow their timetable as laid down by the regulations when they put their tender in for the route?


For example, if the number xx03 is meant to depart stand Z9 at pond street bus station at 25 minutes past the hour, there is not much point in having a timetable in place if the driver decides that the service will leave at 20 past, or Half past? (traffic problems and accidents notwithstanding)


If your due to be at arundel gate at 18.38 and you arrive at 18.37 and if the bus stop already has a bus parked in it and u are unable to park in the busstop to wait that extra minute, you are running early and can be sacked for one minute!!!


Icould understand it if you was departing like you said five minutes early but one minute??


Now to me that is trivial, and i know you are going to say you should make sure you get there at bang on time, but it is easier said than done! you can be upto an hour late but can't be early at all!!!


Sound fair and just to you??

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Thanks for clearing it all up people :)can you drivers vote in the union to have a manager sacked? :-P prolly not but its a thought!


I really hate the strikes, but if guys are not getting fair pay then it is not on.


Really sucks though, that stagecoach have been running a VERY poor service during strikes.... they took 25s off and put on more 88s, 83s etc. Four 88 busses in a row every 5 mins while people waiting 2 hours for a 25. Pure disgrace.


Oops gone off topic.


I work for Stagecoach and we do run the 25's from my depot and believe me we DIDN'T Take off any 25's and put on more 88's and 83's during the last strikes, these services are run by two different depots and our inspector in town on the last strike day actually did the oposite of what you said and turned some 88's into 25's!!


Our union asked for extra buses for strike days but we maybe got 5 or 6 extra buses, so we have been providing VERY poor service during the strikes??


I beg to differ, we have been providing our regular service during the strikes to our regular customers, but unfortunatley FIRST customers have no service available so have been using our services too! :D


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out double customers will make services run late, we got no extra pay for working strike days, i know lots of drivers who finished 3 or four hours later than they should have and they got no overtime pay just normal pay and alot of abuse and stress!!


to say it is a disgrace really annoys me, as most drivers worked days off and overtime to try and ease the stress on their colleagues who were out on the road and what for??


People to MOAN about it!! now my friend that is a DISGRACE! :nono:

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If your due to be at arundel gate at 18.38 and you arrive at 18.37 and if the bus stop already has a bus parked in it and u are unable to park in the busstop to wait that extra minute, you are running early and can be sacked for one minute!!!


Icould understand it if you was departing like you said five minutes early but one minute??


Now to me that is trivial, and i know you are going to say you should make sure you get there at bang on time, but it is easier said than done! you can be upto an hour late but can't be early at all!!!


Sound fair and just to you??


Buses can only be 1 minute early and 6 minute late as a rule. Like you say we cant always get there on time but as a rule we try to get to such as, Arudel gate for few mins early so all the passengers can get off and we can load up and leave on time to keep the bus on time.

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Hi all, I apolagise In advance if I have taken the info on first's webiste out of contect. But it looks like the union thinks it if fine for bus drivers to commit fraud and steal?


From what I have seen latly, it seems first drivers can get away with anything as the union will back them no matter what they get up too.


Or did I get the wrong end of the stick here? Striking as they want to continue committing fraud? (I assume it's the thing where they charge over what the ticket displays which is happening alot on first busses latly...)


The solution is quite simple. If you don't trust them, don't use them. Use your car, bike, taxi, legs, instead! Complain, complain, and complain some more. Get enough people behind you, that have had the same experience, to do the same amount of complaining. Eventually the union will have to listen, as they can only survive on their members subscription fees, of which their will be none, as your party (Yeah, cool, now you've got your own party!) has got them all sacked. It's like a snapshot of our democracy isn't it? By the way, best of luck. :)

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