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Poppies - Do you wear a red, white or purple poppy?

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Most people aren't aware that as well as the traditional commemorative red poppy that there also white (symbolising peace - being bloodstain red-free) and purple (remembering animals that died during conflicts) varieties.


What colour poppy do you wear and why?


I wear white.

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Red - anyone wearing a white one obviously has no respect


Incidentally, the Royal Legion has not outrightly objected to the White Poppy.


My grandfather was guardsman to both Sir Winston Churchill and the then Lord Soames at El-Alamein during WW2. The current Winston Churchill was his page boy. My grandfather saw and fought in what he described as "horror and suicide battles" with the Nazis in Africa and Germany. Nevertheless, he was decorated for his valour and exemplary conduct.


He refused to wear a red poppy because of the abhorrent nature it signified. This is my reasoning. My grandfather as loyal servant of the Crown volunteered his life of servitude in order to give future generations a chance of experiencing peace. So on the contrary, he would have called me disrespectful if I had worn a red poppy.

Edited by MaxHeadroom
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Red - Those who wish to wear a white one may as well wear a white feather


You wear a red poppy, and that must mean you are really brave! Nobody would dare invade a country populated with people like you, who have no fear of wearing coloured flowers. :hihi:

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You wear a red poppy, and that must mean you are really brave! Nobody would dare invade a country populated with people like you, who have no fear of wearing coloured flowers. :hihi:


It's not that at all Donkey - I just don't believe in concientious objection, you're either up for doing your part or you're a passenger

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