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October Theme: Escape to the West


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I'd been think about the October theme for most of the month but only began to put ink-to-paper this afternoon. Here it is therefore, typos and all.






It may be November 1st in England by the time this arrives but its still October here for another 2 hours and 15 minutes.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again falls,


In some ways I think this is written better than the horse story, but doesn't quite have the same potential to leave a mark. Is it an excerpt from a novel of yours?


Also, is it significant that the other passenger is a mullah? Please ignore me if I am being slow at picking up a profound moment in the story.


I like the reference to the marching band. I also noticed a spelling mistake. I think shear panic should have been sheer panic... unless he woke up worrying about cutting his hedge?

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Another good one Falls.

I think your writing improves with every story written, as Ron asked ‘Is it an excerpt from a novel of yours?’ I think it must be and would love to read the full story, if not, that has got to be your next task.

Good man.

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