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My dog on wheels!


It was a stuffed doggy on wheels with a handle at the back to push it along with and it was passed down to me by my ...oh I dont know... brother or sister or something and I remember I was small enough (2 or 3 years old) to sit on its back while I was pushed along.


As I got bigger (4 or 5 years old) I used to sit my toys on its back and push them along and around the garden and when I was six I got my nasty little hands on a knife and spent a happy hour in the summer sunshine chopping and slashing it to bits...


The second I realised that it couldnt be mended, I looked at its parts which were scattered all over the garden and cried my little eyeballs out.


I loved that bloody toy but just HAD to take it to bits to see what was inside it.

I had a lamb on wheels and it lasted till my daughter played with it up at my parents house. They don't make them like that any more:(

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