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Sheffield Cutlery Manufacturers

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There was a big Polish bloke that was in charge of moving all the machines from the various companies they bought around 1960, we nicknamed him the crane because he could lift the machines almost by himself, can't remember his name either unfortunately.

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There was a big Polish bloke that was in charge of moving all the machines from the various companies they bought around 1960, we nicknamed him the crane because he could lift the machines almost by himself, can't remember his name either unfortunately.


I can remember a Polish bloke called Big John cant remember his surname though, Ii know he lived on the manor but I didnt meet him till the late sixties early seventies and my first thought was, "he isnt that big" because Im six foot two and he didnt look taller or bigger than me - but - he was a good bloke,in fact all the poles I have met have been o.k.

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Sorry to hijack this thread but i wondered if i could find out some info about some of my family, who were apparently cutlery manufacturers. This was in the 1830s to late 1800s and the family were called Wild.


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Sorry to hijack this thread but i wondered if i could find out some info about some of my family, who were apparently cutlery manufacturers. This was in the 1830s to late 1800s and the family were called Wild.



There was Hiram Wild cutlery manufacturers founded in 1864.

Their name still exists and they have a website. But I think they may now

be part of United Cutlers? Hope this is of some help.

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Harris Millers made cutlery for a lot of organisations, BA, BOAC, various govt agencies amongst the places I delivered to for them and most of the other cutlery companies in Sheffield in the late 80s, Also used to live next door to one of the "buffer girls" from Millers.

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Millers probably did supply to the Government. George Butler Cutlery Manufactuers supplied the Queen and 10 Downing Street at one time. Also had stock selling in Harrods.
just been cleaning and restoringmy old fishing knife made by geo butler, l must have it nearly 70 years . Cheers Arthur.
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i actual worked at harris millers in the mid eighties and met my long term girlfriend here..it was a great place of work.at one time employing well over a hundred people.some fantastic characters.tomo,clopper,dino,mick,waity,martin,all the lasses from the warehouse..oh and keith..while i was there it was under the ownership of a certain,elderly jewish gentlemen who had a son called andrew..the pay really sucked..i think i was earning around 50 pounds a week(half of which mr hunter took).and then on top of that we got an hours pay for every 10 gross we polished.:(..the place was very scruffy looking..i actually worked within the clairshop..there was a long line of items that were polished..branston pickle spoons,british airways,david mellor,hospital items.i think it closed in and around 1990.there was a massive fire that destroyed a large part of the building complex...anybody remember mr hunter..from the warehouse?..

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When I went to the Central Tech. in the side streets round about there were lots of individual cutlery and knife makers.Most of them had stable doors that allowed any passer by to watch.At lunch time there were all the buffer girls with brown paper wrapped around their legs, they had a colourful vocabulart too.

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