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New music talent in Sheffield?


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I'm rather taken with Smokers Die Younger at the moment.


Their very lovely new single has just come out on Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation and they're playing at the Blind Institute on Mappin Street on Saturday 30th June where you can also see Hiem who do splendid electronic stuff that you can dance to and everything.


Kings Have Long Arms are immensely enjoyable live (especially the traditional audience conga at the end) and, if self-belief counts for anything, they will one day be huge.


Screaming Mimi's new CD is full of ace twangy guitar and spooky theremin and swoonsome vocals and makes car journeys lots of fun.


Chuck look like middle-aged IT geeks (because that's what they are!) but they do a nice line in surfy rock and roll with more hooks than a pirate convention.


Supersonic Winds of Neptune are great fun to watch if you can cope with the cheesy 80's metal they insist on playing whilst entertaining the crowd.


The Long Blondes are just indescribably great and in a perfect world they'd have been on TOTP before it got relegated to BBC2 :rolleyes:


Monkey Swallows The Universe do gorgeous boy/girl acoustic pop songs.


Champion Kickboxer are probably too odd to become enormous but they don't sound like anyone else which is quite a rarity these days. They are also all far taller than they really need to be.


1984 are good enough to do well in their own right but being mates of the Arctic Monkeys won't do them any harm.


A couple of other bands who shall go unnamed will probably do very well due to Arctics connections despite being a bit, erm, dull.


Modesty (and the Sheffield Forum obscenity filter!) prevents me listing my own band here...


...although we usually get referred to as The Mofos ;)



Sorry for gushing at such great length but I really do love lots of bands round these parts :)

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Originally posted by SarahD

and if they are playing live anywere sometime soon.


You should go to Earl Jam, all day music fest on 6th August at the Earl of Arundel & Lowfields Park




Smokers Die Younger

Monkey Swallows the Universe

Pisco Sour Hour




Fury Of The Headteachers

Taste Of Shotgun

Tommy Binks

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there's also loads of punk bands in sheffield, who exist completely under the radar of the popular music press / promoters etc yet are probably more succesful than their "indie" cousins....and normally out live the quick flash in the pan bands as well....


Bickles Cab - been around over 5 years, 2 albums out, a single and numerous compilation appearances, off this september for their 6th euro tour, these are pretty brutal political hc punk, normally to be seen in sheffield at least once every couple of months


BurnSubvertDestroy - only in existance a year but spawned from a couple of bands who were in existance in the 90's, they've just played the London astoria to 1600 as part of an all day punk fest, also been to europe twice, album due out soon, numerous comp appearances.... more melodic punk, sorta early 80's sound but with bigger singalong choruses...interview and playback on total rock radio sometime soon...


then we have

Power Corrupts - fast punk with the odd ska break....keep an eye on these....

Narcotix - 100 mph hc thrash, they share a couple of members with power corrupts yet have a completely different sound... again another band going places


the Legacy - straightforward HC are also huge in europe, i beleive they are off later this month for a fourth time, just completed a UK tour...


also around are the stigmatix, earth od, the hyeanas and probably some more i've forgotten....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have seen some top, top,top bands in Sheffield of recent, there seems to be more of a scene at the moment than there ever has been and there are alot more professional sounding bands around.


Well I say a scene but there isn't really a sound because most bands in Sheffield have their own sound, as opposed to say for instance Manchesters Baggy Scene of the 90s, yeah get out there and have a look at some of these bands their are also few things out their that are signed and don't get the respect and support they deserve, Hoggboy, Richard Hawley, Jody Wildgoose, Kid Acne, I Monster, Jim Muir Slideshow and the fantastic Gledhill to name but a few.


Also there is a wealth of unsigned that should be signed bands and solo artists : The Harrisons, Rumpus, Teggie Roberts, Bhuna, Julian Jones and This Floating World and these are just a few I can remember and have seen!


Most of these bands have websites you can find by typing in their names to google and have free mp3s!


The only thing I don't understand about the Sheffield Scene is how bitchy the bands seem to be in Sheffield you think they would all stick together seeing as though they have all the same common goal! and all from the same place! When I lived in Liverpool the scene their was fantastic all the bands would play together and support each other their was more of a community spirit their! Don't the Sheffield bands realise that when a band from Sheffield starts doing well they should support that even if they arn't keen on the music that band plays! instead they slag them off! and try and pull them down - that's not healthy!


It's also a shame we haven't got a record label in Sheffield, as far as I know! they all seem to be in London, Manchester and Liverpool - we have got just as good bands here, if not better why they don't get as much record label interest I don't know - maybe because there is no label to support it? and help it grow!

I seems bands from Sheffield have to go to London or somewhere else to find interest! and make things happen!


There used to be WARP but they got too big for their boots and moved to London!


Missy Blue



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