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Has Westways nightclub closed down?


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To be fair, the clientèle in the two bars mentioned aren't all that different to westways clientèle anyway. Lets just hope that Westways regular crowd do just move to one of them two bars instead of spoiling other peoples nights elsewhere in the city.




This is a good point, Westways attracts a 'rowdy' crowd and ideally we want them crowds to stay in one part of the city centre and not go looking for trouble in other venues, so in my mind if they end up in Static or Basement, this is a good thing. The door staff at Static in particular are use to dealing with the same sort of crowd of people.




Maybe I am mistaken, however I don't believe I am. Without giving too much away, we'll say I have a lot of involvement in Licensing and Security around the city centre. And I've worked personally with Westways (although I never would again).


My understanding is that its closure is related to both financial issues and pressure from the authorities regarding the fact its a problematic venue. If it is due to financial reasons and what I've been told is true, then the club in Doncaster might be the next thing to go.


In my mind, Westways was always going to eventually end up in trouble. You could tell this whenever anything kicked off, although they did hire a few decent door staff, a lot of them were simply hired thugs. Every now and again, they would get a few decent door staff in to help clean up the venue, but then they'd go back to the same cheaper door staff and everything would go down hill again.


For venues like Westways to work, there has to be respect between the customers and the security / management / other staff. Sadly, there often isn't that much respect at all, and sometimes the door staff are scared of the problematic customers and don't want the hassle of turning them away, so let them in anyway, then wonder why there are fights kicking off every 2 minutes. I've seen door staff in venues approach customers who are out of order and need to leave, realised they know them or they are scared of them and let them stay, this should never happen!


i to have worked for the club i have now been informed it is financial and am not totally surprised however there are decent people losing jobs now and that is bad.

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i to have worked for the club i have now been informed it is financial and am not totally surprised however there are decent people losing jobs now and that is bad.


I'm sure decent people work there, but the people who go there for a night out are no better than the idiots who go to Embrace. Let's hope its just Embrace that gets them now and they don't pollute the better parts of town.

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both Westways and the other place in Doncaster are closed, it is reported the interior has all been trashed at both venues, and the Managers have fled.....unlikely to be re-opening according to my sources


where do u get yr info ? i have just left the guy who ownes or rents both premises and the doncaster venue is not shut r interior wrecked and neither is westways... he took what he owned which was the majority of the fixture and fittings... people need to get there facts right.



and the financial position he was put in was no fault of his own but to the fat cats at scottish and newcastle... which left him no alternative to leave

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i think westways was aloud of rubbish anyway so it doesnt matter :) full of the lower class riff raff!!! its done everyone a favour closing down


Just now the people you call 'riff raff' will have no option but to go elsewhere, maybe even in the places you drink. Won't be doing you any favours then will it???

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where do u get yr info ? i have just left the guy who ownes or rents both premises and the doncaster venue is not shut r interior wrecked and neither is westways... he took what he owned which was the majority of the fixture and fittings... people need to get there facts right.



and the financial position he was put in was no fault of his own but to the fat cats at scottish and newcastle... which left him no alternative to leave


info came from one of the current, or should I say now FORMER staff....

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