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Has Westways nightclub closed down?


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Good point but when the good doorstaff then do stand n be counted they are then labelled as thugs... i for one have experienced this so what do you do? a lot of doormen these days are scared of losing their licenses for having hassle with customers so therefore find it easier to turn blind eye etc... i manage a security firm n as much as i ashamed to say it i know quite a few doormen in sheffield rotherham barnsley and doncaster that do this... some are quality doormen and one to one would be confident against most men but since this licensing came in its changed even the best of doormen...


Although I appreciate what you say is true, a lot of the staff are westways simply were thugs. You are completely right about door staff being scared of losing their licenses, and I know of a few very good door staff who are on their last warnings with the police, which is a shame because they are professional and effective door staff.


In my mind, there were 2 main problems with the security staff that worked at westways / for Joe Tucker. One was that you almost always use to hear about their staff not getting paid properly, or on time. Now, if you want your door staff to work to their best, you need to treat them well. I know and work with several door staff who have worked at westways and although the majority have a lot of respect for Joe, they didn't like how things were organised.


Secondly, some of the door staff did act like thugs. And I think the problem was that Joe Tucker didn't seem to tell them off for it. That and the fact Mickey, who I believe was the head doorman was just as bad. If I had someone working for my firm and I thought they were behaving like thugs instead of door staff, I'd give them a bollocking for it. Now, we could argue about whether their staff were thugs or not, but I've seen the behavior of some of them, both while working and while off duty in other bars and some of their attitudes were disgusting.

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Although I appreciate what you say is true, a lot of the staff are westways simply were thugs. You are completely right about door staff being scared of losing their licenses, and I know of a few very good door staff who are on their last warnings with the police, which is a shame because they are professional and effective door staff.


In my mind, there were 2 main problems with the security staff that worked at westways / for Joe Tucker. One was that you almost always use to hear about their staff not getting paid properly, or on time. Now, if you want your door staff to work to their best, you need to treat them well. I know and work with several door staff who have worked at westways and although the majority have a lot of respect for Joe, they didn't like how things were organised.


Secondly, some of the door staff did act like thugs. And I think the problem was that Joe Tucker didn't seem to tell them off for it. That and the fact Mickey, who I believe was the head doorman was just as bad. If I had someone working for my firm and I thought they were behaving like thugs instead of door staff, I'd give them a bollocking for it. Now, we could argue about whether their staff were thugs or not, but I've seen the behavior of some of them, both while working and while off duty in other bars and some of their attitudes were disgusting.



well i used to work there myself so your probably labelling me a thug but too be honest i'l go on record n say for a fact i yet to see a doorman or customer in town that makes me feel threatened lol... the so called names ppl throw around these days make my dad look young also mikeys not been there for months and was never the head doorman he maqnagement for joe... the head doorman or person was the girl kat n when she left to work for me wrighty took over... mikeys never been head doorman... also when customers witness fights or the door staff in an altercation they only witness one side you have no idea what that person has done..


and if i'm totally honest doorstaff are paid to deal with hassle n fight and be assaulted if need be... like it or not thats the bare truth



its just a shame it shut i for one enjoyed it and liked the atmosphere and also enjoyed having a catch up with joe on a weekend

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