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Karate in Sheffield

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunno if they still do, but when I were a lad I used to train in Karate at the Working Men's Club on Providence Road in Walkley on Thursdays.


I'm sure the number'll be in the phone book if you want to ring up and find out.


By the way, it's not THAT long ago since I did it, I packed it in about ooh, 10 years ago cos I went away to College, and was also getting fed up of getting bad varucchas on my feet from training bare foot on mucky old Church hall floors etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You don't say in which style you are looking for a high grade instructor.


Sensei Stan Knighton (Shukokai) teaches at Don Valley Stadium and there must be high graded Shotokan instruction in the city...does Eddie de Roek still teach at Burton St?


andy b (Yondan, Okinawan Goju Ryu)

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Wado Ryu. I'm fifth dan myself, and have done some teaching, so you can understand why I'm looking for as senior an instructor as possible - although I'm not sure there are any in this part of the world...!


Might try shotokan at some point - what's it like, compared to Wado Ryu?

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Much bigger/exagerated movements and deeper stances with no emphasis on Tai Sabaki (shifting/evasion) like in WR.


I have a mate that teaches WR (Yondan) in Sheffield so I have some experience of the style. He is part of Steve Rowes (Shikon) group. If you wish to contact him please send me an email via my website at http://www.hallamdojo.co.uk. If you have never seen any Okinawan Goju Ryu before you are welcome to pop into my dojo. It would be good to have a chat.



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Will definitely pop down sometime soon (I'll give you a heads-up before hand), would be interesting to take a look.


I'm currently looking in to setting up a small self-defence class in Sheffield - a mixture of techniques and styles I've used over the years of being a martial artist - aimed at the non-martial artist. I've always felt that, whilst I've obviously pursued the purer aspects of the way, most people just want to be confident when they walk home at night - and purity of style doesn't nec equal a useful self-defence system. But what most people don't realise is that karate, ju jitsu, aikido et al are NOT self-defence systems, but something else entirely...


"Once the naked feet have entered on to the dojo floor, they are forever changed" - Okinawan saying.


Would be nice to talk to a fellow karateka about the flaws/advantages of our own system/s.

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