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Do you have to have a funeral.

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A friend of mine says he does not want a funeral when he dies.

He wants his body taking straight to the crematoriam and if people want a rememberance sevice without the cost of a hearse that is up to them.

Is this allowed as I believe Princess Margaret did it this way on her death.

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A friend of mine says he does not want a funeral when he dies.

He wants his body taking straight to the crematoriam and if people want a rememberance sevice without the cost of a hearse that is up to them.

Is this allowed as I believe Princess Margaret did it this way on her death.


I wouldn't recommend one before he dies :hihi:

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are you kidding, I want a magical funeral, its at night, candles, string quartet, big statue of me with very attractive females crying their eyes out below it, hell yeah :hihi:


but, you don't need to have a funeral.


I remember the last funeral my family went through, it cost 4k+ and it was nothing special, I remember thinking I'm so in the wrong business.

Edited by Gambler
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I remember the last funeral my family went through, it cost 4k+


Was that for a burial or cremation?


The price of a funeral isn't something that most people discuss!


There are humanist funerals where people are buried in an allocated field - although I don't know the cost or implications associated with this.

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