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Have you ever been mugged in sheffield?

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nearly been mugged , but had the ****e kicked out of me instead because i refused to give them my phone, they left without my phone and i left with a pulped up face


doesnt put me off going out at all.

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i've not been mugged, but some black lad (racial slur unintended) decided he'd like to beat me around the head on eccleshall rd (entirely unprovoked). Came up from behind, so i had no chance. Then he ran off.

£200 for new glasses, a huge dental bill, a week off uni, and i was as right as rain (was i *****!!!!).

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My mate got mugged a good while back near the train station


He gave them his "machine thing" for testing his blood sugar levels (he's diabetic) and told them it was a Gameboy.


Daft gits.


I've lived in Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Glasgow and been to loads more places. From my experience Sheffield is by far the safest.

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I worked for a pizza place delivering and got mugged for pizza by these teenage mutant asian turds (they were no way ninjas) they dragged me into a dark house threw me down and punched me in the head - stupid S**ts, I was still wearing my helmet! They got arrested anyway i'm sure it was worth it all for an extra large pizza or two. I'm still laughing at the line they came out with "give me all your f***ing pizza" genius.

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Guest thebodgie

I had one attempted mugging within my first month of being in Sheffield...


I was last-man-standing after a big night out so though i'd check out Republic. A couple of young guys came up to me and told me they wanted my wallet. I had a bit of a chat with them and it seemed like they really didn't want to create a scene so when I finished my beer I told them I was heading back up on the dance floor and enjoying the rest of my night so they could either pull out the knife or go enjoy their night too. They let me by... I didn't realise until I walked off that there was another one of them standing behind me.


In terms of changed behaviour I don't go out drinking by myself in Sheffield anymore!

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Originally posted by Ratmaster

I worked for a pizza place delivering and got mugged for pizza by these teenage mutant asian turds (they were no way ninjas) they dragged me into a dark house threw me down and punched me in the head - stupid S**ts, I was still wearing my helmet! They got arrested anyway i'm sure it was worth it all for an extra large pizza or two. I'm still laughing at the line they came out with "give me all your f***ing pizza" genius.


OMG the daft sh*ts !!! ... mugging a pizza guy at your OWN HOME !!!


How retarded are some people ?

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Hi Jamie

It was a recently derelict house, but they were still stupid. The cops were actually there once I got out the house cos the neighbours had seen them going into the house before hand. It does seem like a lot of effort to get free cheese on toast tho.

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