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Sheffield Children's Hospital


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I was in the Childrens Hospital in April 1954 suffering from Glandular Fever which was apparently quite uncommon in those days; medical students were brought from the university across the road for lectures.

I then went to a convalescent home in Scarborough for 6 weeks.

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Another thing I remembered last night, was the chap who used to come round telling bible stories and teaching religious songs. One I remember was about Zaccheus who was a very little man, and climbed up a tree to see Jesus, and Jesus said "Come down Zaccheus I'm coming to your house for tea".


We also had a lady who came round to teach us, though I don't remember the lessons being very difficult or demanding.



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I was in the Children's Hospital in the early 1950s, and although I can't remember much about it I have enjoyed reading this thread. I do remember the bible story man and his songs. Here's the Zacchaeus song:


..Zacchaeus was a very little man

..And a very little man was he

..He climbed up into a sycamore tree

..For the Saviour he wanted to see


..And when Jesus passed that way

..He looked into the tree

..And said 'Now Zacchaeus, you come down,

..For I'm coming to your house for tea.'

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