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Ventura interview

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ive got a interview coming up soon for ventura and was wondering does anyone know what kind of questions they ask you and whats the test like?


Yes worked there for 3 years.


You firstly go into a room and have a hearing test where you have questions about what you have heard but they are multi choice and very easy.


You are then taken into a room for an interview where they ask you things like your past experience, what you think you can bring to the job, what hours you would like. Then give you diferent senarios like. If an elderley person was on the line how would you deal with the call. ie making them hear you or understand you by talking slower and more clearly etc. They are really friendly people so don't worry too much.


After the interview they take you round the building and show you were everything is and tell you if they have any jobs suitable for you and what hours they have.


Good Luck hun...Let us know how you get on :thumbsup:

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went for the interview and ended up getting the job. id like to say that interview didnt even feel like one. was more like a casual chat.


now at the moment my cars offroad and im looking at which buses take you there. does anyone know if one bus get near there from town or do i have to catch bus/tram to rotherham city center then bus from there?

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  • 7 months later...

Can anybody help me?. I applied for a job at Ventura and the woman on the recruitment line said "let me book you a interview". Now, all the emails from them have referred to it as a "assessment". I have the interview/assessment tomorrow morning at 9am and there lines are closed.


So, does anyone know if It's a interview or assessment?.



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Can anybody help me?. I applied for a job at Ventura and the woman on the recruitment line said "let me book you a interview". Now, all the emails from them have referred to it as a "assessment". I have the interview/assessment tomorrow morning at 9am and there lines are closed.


So, does anyone know if It's a interview or assessment?.



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Well, just had my interview and got the job lol. It was an interview after all. Even if I don't like it, its experience. I went to the park bit and now have to go to house. They seem to be an ok company to work for????. However, we shall see and its better than being jobless for a further year.

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