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Tips for visiting Florida?

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I'm thinking about going to Florida maybe next year and wondered if anyone has any suggestions/advice?

I'm not going to Disney as I couldn't imagine anything more boring, but do fancy Universal Studios. I would like to go to the Kennedy Space Centre but what I'm most interested in is The Everglades and The Keys. Now I haven't done any research at all at the moment but was thinking about maybe hiring a car or a motorhome and pootling about.

Any suggestions will be greatly received.

Ta :D

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I'd go for the car as Motels are amazingly cheap out in Florida. And we aint talking about flea ridding scum holes either. Nice places. OK not the Hilton, but they;ll do and they're safe.


The inlaws have just come back from tootling round Florida for a fortnight and they loved it. Key West is awesome.


I wouldn't opt for the motor home as it's difficult (apparently) to find safe parking places to sleep. And you'll just end up parking in some motel carpark and using the motel.


Should be a great time I reckon mate!

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Good places to visit are ....Universal studio's I went on every thing and had more fun than the kids..

Everglades not too bad depending what your interested in.

Busch gardens you can see all you dont see in everglades.

You will come across some hick towns as seen on TV houses all painted white ..rocking chairs on patio's ..every-one stops and stares when a stranger comes into town.but once they find out your English your invited to tea, then all the neighbours come round.....If you get the right flight tickets car hire will be included all you pay is crash waiver,and insurance.....One word of warning though Hide your main money and just carry something like $25 in your pocket incase you come across some less desirable americans.........But whilst I was there I found all to be very friendly and extremely helpfull including the florida police who came to my assistance when I got lost.

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We spent a fortnight in Floriday Keys in 2002 (actually got married while we were there!). It was fabulous. Stayed in Marathon which is about half way down. Key West is a wonderful island although a bit more touristy. It's quite a long way down to the end but it is worth it.


Didn't do the Everglades but I've heard to be careful what time of year you go there as it can be very 'mosquito-y'!!


Also, if you can avoid it don't fly into Miami - it was like hell on earth trying to navigate our hire car out of the city. If you do go through there make sure you get a decent map or ask at the airport for directions.


Everyone in the Keys were so welcoming and friendly and the sea, sunsets and animals we saw were just out of this world.


I would definitely give it a 10/10 and would love to go back!


Also, the seafood is absolutely out of this world!!

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Hi there


This is a different view of Florida


A few years ago now I met this nice bloke on the internet who lives in Orlando, Florida


We got on very well and we agreed that I would go over for a few weeks to visit with him (how American sounding is that?!) and because it was a special time I went for Christmas and New year 1999/2000 which means I was there for the Millenium of course.


I didnt go as a tourist, I went to visit a resident, I didnt stay in a hotel and I made him promise before I even left the UK that I would not have to go to Disney or Epcot or Universal Studios or anywhere like that, because I am far too much of a snob, LOL


So we had to check out some more home grown fun and I still went to some fab places


So if you are going to Fla *you see I can even talk in US speak*, I would recommend the following


The Tiffany museum at Winter Park, Orlando

It is the real honest museum for Louis Tiffany, a man who made the most beautiful things out of glass, not just lamps but whole rooms, the man was a total genius. While I was there they also had a fantabulous display of some of Catherine the Great's jewellry including some wonderful Carl Faberge, I would fly another ten hours back to the US just to go there again.


I also went to Christmas, Florida where I sent off my postcards, just so that I could have wonderful postmarks


And I sat on the side of a wide river at the Cape, waiting for a space shuttle to come back to earth, a day or two before the millenium (they came home early just in case ) and heard the sonic boom as it re-entered the atmosphere.


Lew Gardens, Orlando was great, It was the US equivalent of a stately home and grounds, except that it was less than 100 years old, but it was Christmas and they had rows and rows of Ponsettias growing outside in flower beds, in formation!! This will probably only mean something to the gardeners and house plant addicts amongst us, but yes of course I took photos and you only have to ask for a copy...


I wandered up and down some great beaches, I dined out in authentic US restuarants, I rented movies, I ate popcorn and biscuits (kind of like scones really), I went to a drive-in bank where you could draw out cash without leaving the front seat of the car


And yes I was ****-scared about the huge number of people driving around the weekend of the millenium with visible guns on their front seats. These people truly expected the worst, thank God nothing happened


Mind you, it made ABC news look a bit stupid





Hope that gave you a few ideas

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I will highly recommend Florida. (of course I'm biased) Especially the Gulf side instead of the Atlantic side. The beaches here in Pensacola are white as white and the shells are beautiful. They call it the Emerald Coast cos the water is clear and green. But we are up north, 8 hours drive from Orlando and 12 from Miami. If I were to go down south again I would go to Homosassa and swim with the Manatees and dolphins. Plus there is wonderful fishing in the Keys. However, you can go to the alligator farms in the Everglades and wrestle alligators.

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Noooooooooooo go to Disney!!!!!

I love it at Disney!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:


If you have no patience and have grown up completely, don't bother going to the Disney parks....they could do with a few less whiners... but if you are patient and are a kiddy at heart, go for it because its so beautiful and magical! I love it there!!!


The rides are like no other....everywhere else you go after will look like a cheap immitation....which they are ofcourse because Disney's the best!


Make sure you stay in a Disney hotel too.... You get treat great by the staff and also you get Disney coaches which park right outside the parks...If you go in a non disney hotel your coach parks in the middle of the carpark and you have to risk your life running into the middle of the huge carpark for your coach!


It is Disney 24/7 in their hotels though...my Dad got sick of seeing Mickey Mouses face because it was everywhere! On the bed linen, on the soaps and shower gel, on the napkins...even on the drink cartons...lol! But I loved it! It's great!

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