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Tips for visiting Florida?

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You'd better take lots of money and be prepared to stand in long queues. Lots of fun but very commercial. Certainly not my scene. But that depends if you are a child at heart.

Me, I'd rather swim in cystal clear warm water and listen to waves lapping on the shore. Do some fishing off the beach with my husband and then grill out our catch in the evening under the stars. "With mosquito repellant of course" If you want to relax and unwind the easiest and cheapest way is to sit and watch the sun go down on the horizon and dream of far off shores. The Gulf of Mexico has it all. Florida Keys mate, that's the ticket you want, trust me! Hire a car as DB and C_datexpress suggested.


Well, that's my opinion and I'm allowed one. If you want to take the kids to Disney, break out your wallet! If you want to see something awesome do the Keys Dude 8)

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You know what? Don't forget Hurricane Season

From June 1st to October 31st!


Very active stormy tropical weather in September and October. The weather is the best in April and May and then in November. Even December is nice. Not beachy weather but warm and no humidity. Come in August and be prepared for the worst hot sticky temperatures you can imagine. 85 even at night. No leaving your windows open as you will wake up dripping wet from condensation in the morning. Rainy every afternoon too.

Memorial day is the last weekend of May and Labor Day is the first weekend of September. So come either before of after. Prices go up and petrol is more expensive in between.

The kids are on "summer vacation" so traffic will be busy and places crowded in the summer.

There you go, that should do it. Still want to come?

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Originally posted by spook1210

hey thanks guys you've given me lots of ideas :D

still not sure that you've sold disney to me tho caprice lol:D

Speaking as a boring old fart, I was highly resistant to the Disney thing, however domestic democracy ;) overruled my objections (and everyone I knew who'd been was so enthusiastic, no dissenters at all).

Went in December - great, weather like English summer (cold!), the locals thought I was mad in T-shirt and shorts. But no queues, no mosquitos, no sunburn, no hurricanes, it's the best time to go. Food in Disney cost more than outside but still cheaper than here. You can just spend a day or 2 doing that kind of stuff, plenty of time to do other things but not doing some of the parks would be like going to Moscow and not having a peek at poor old Lenin in his pickle jar or Paris and not seeing their big Meccano model. Busch gardens was good too if you like theme parks, not quite as tame as Disney - rides were more white-knuckle. Busch is owned by a brewery.

If you're afraid Disney is too brat-oriented do Epcot.

Unfortunately we had the in-laws along too (they'd love to go again, you are welcome to borrow them, they will be full of advice... please, one way tickets, I'll pay).

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Originally posted by robh

Unfortunately we had the in-laws along too (they'd love to go again, you are welcome to borrow them, they will be full of advice... please, one way tickets, I'll pay).


Only if they bring loads of tea bags and Branston pickle. I like a Daily Mirror and an Express also. Oh and a decent down filled continental quilt. They call them "comforters" over here and still use sheets too. Duh!

I like Crunchie bars, Mars Bars and Marks & Sparks underwear. Do your in-laws like gardening?? I weeds like you wouldn't believe. Don't ask for much but they will have to pay for their keep. :)

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