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Students at Totley Thornbridge

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  • 1 year later...

Rob Poole (from Stoke?) was going out with a girl in my geography group. very mature and solid as I recall. I'd imagine he did very well in his career. Keith Adams -didn't he have black hair and was captain, if my memory serves me well).

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Not sure about Keith having black hair. He was from Liverpool as I remember and went out with a girl called Wendy Roberts.

I can remember Robs girlfriend (now wife) but not her name.

Rob is a Head Teacher now as was Keith and myself. In fact many of the lads at Totley went on to become Heads or Deputies - Nigel Kingdon, Ted Elgy, Gerry Gott and others

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The name Ted Elgy rings a bell.

Not surprised about Rob and (? Cathy, long hair) getting married.


in all honesty (and I am sure they would even more blunt about this), i really shouldn't have even been at ateacher's training college. I'd felt pressurised to go there after getting inadequate grades to do Geography at Sheff Uni. Of course, these days there are so many other further education options than then. Leaving at the end of year one was sensible from all standpoints and going to work at River Don steelworks did me far more good longterm-it helped the growing up process!

Guys like Rob seemd exacatly what one imagined a teacher should be. Solid, dependable, upright. I hope they have achieved all their hopes in life.


neverthelss, I have always believed since that time that no one should go into secondary teaching until their mid twenties-you need some life experience to communicate to the young.

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