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Elvis was over rated


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And should that detract from the fact that he sold millions of records worldwide?


People can market certain acts all they want, but that doesn't make them universally successful through out his career unless the man could walk the walk, and Elvis proved that he could walk the walk.


That you would pull up HeadingNorth on this statement "the work of the untold number of black musicians who'd been doing exactly the same stuff for years, but were completely ignored because they were black" and asked him to name names shows that you are fairly oblivious to much of the music that Elvis was influenced by and appriopriated from. Now Heading North might not have been accurate when he claimed that the black artists were ignored: many of them made plenty of cash for their labels but it's common knowledge that Elvis performed African American music styles and this material was aimed at to crossing over ie. being consumed by a mainstream (white) audience. Would so many white parents have been outraged by him and their kids liking for him if his music and dancing style was typically white?


I'm certainly not saying Presley was devoid of talent but personally, I wouldn't be foolish enough to claim that his talent exceeded that of many of those artists who influenced him. Any suggestion of a white person being able to do black music better than all the black folks is highly dubious yet sometimes people will make these type of claims.


You claimed that he added "his own take and charisma to the music" but through being generally unfamiliar with those earlier artists HeadingNorth refers to it's not possible to be in a position to make specific claims about Elvis in comparison to them.


Again, what made him a star of such magnitude was his race.

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That you would pull up HeadingNorth on this statement "the work of the untold number of black musicians who'd been doing exactly the same stuff for years, but were completely ignored because they were black" and asked him to name names shows that you are fairly oblivious to much of the music that Elvis was influenced by and appriopriated from.


Actually I asked for names because the way Heading North phrased it seemed to imply that these black musicians did exactly what Elvis did, but I think even you can shims would argue that they weren't the same.


I wasn't in fact arguing about the origins of the music or where Elvis got his influences from.



Again, what made him a star of such magnitude was his race.


As for a the whole race issue, would you argue also that Micheal Jackson was a star of magnitude because of his race, even though he was greatly influenced by the likes of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire?

Edited by Kingmaker2
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Leiber and Stoller wrote many well known songs. They wrote Jailhouse Rock for Elvis but several years earlier they wrote Hound Dog for Big Mama Thornton. It was a song written for a woman. Elvis' performing it didn't really make sense which is why he performed a re-written version of it.


Your point being?

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So were video recorders and black and white televisions but just like Elvis they're outdated now.


If he was around today and went on the X Factor he wouldn't even get past the first round.


Possibly true, I am not a fan ... the Beatles were my fave, but cannot listen to them anymore. maybe, its a sign of age :roll:

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So were video recorders and black and white televisions but just like Elvis they're outdated now.


If he was around today and went on the X Factor he wouldn't even get past the first round.


I wouldn't actually agree with that analogy,


All the X Factor contestant simply rehash songs whether they be old or new.

Someone who can belt out an Elvis number well would most likely do pretty well in X Factor.


If as you say Elvis is like black and white televisions then I challenge you to

to try and sell black and white tvs, you'd have a hard time shifting any, but you could still sell a bucket load of Elvis CDS!


Let's not forget Elvis NO 1s and his Second to none Album all were massive hits in the UK and worldwide recently, now that's not exactly what I'd call outdated.

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So were video recorders and black and white televisions but just like Elvis they're outdated now.


If he was around today and went on the X Factor he wouldn't even get past the first round.


I think you would find if wannabies were auditioned back then, they wouldn't get passed the first hurdle.


You had to be able to sing. No such thing as computer technology for keeping people in key etc.

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Elvis is so ungood. I don't understand what people like about him or his music. He is, sorry WAS, a pretentious moron and his music is dull as dishwater. In fact, dishwater is as bright as the sun compared to Elvis "the dullard" Presley.


That's not just opinion, it's uber FACT (look it up).


And all those sheepy sheepy Elvis fans who go to those conventions pretending to be Elvis - my eyes roll so much for you it hurts. You're not Elvis. Stop being Elvis.


Nyyuugh *orgasms in contempt*




I didn't like him either, and can't understand why people rave about him.

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Elvis is so ungood. I don't understand what people like about him or his music. He is, sorry WAS, a pretentious moron and his music is dull as dishwater. In fact, dishwater is as bright as the sun compared to Elvis "the dullard" Presley.


That's not just opinion, it's uber FACT (look it up).


And all those sheepy sheepy Elvis fans who go to those conventions pretending to be Elvis - my eyes roll so much for you it hurts. You're not Elvis. Stop being Elvis.


Nyyuugh *orgasms in contempt*




Do I detect a streak of snobbery in your statement? Let's hear what your idea of what a singer and his or her music should be in order to satisfy your standards of musical excellence :D

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It's a known fact that EP hated the films he made. My "Hawaain period" as he later contemptuosly referred to them.


He wasn't the only musician to be lured into starring in daft movies. Just take a look at the Beatles and their pathetic contibutions to the celluloid screen


His music was the music of his period in time when Rock and Roll started to replace the earlier mundane music between the end of WW2 and the mid 1950

Every song he recorded was a hit and loved by millions even to this day.


The OP doesn't seem to be able to contribute anything more intelligent than calling him "so ungood" whatever that modernspeak means :hihi: and also a "moron". I guess he or she must have been having a dull moment at the keyboard to start a thread like this.

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