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Does anybody remember donkey stone?


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Thing is about the womenfolk of yesteryear, they had pride. Didn't have much money, and the house probably would've been condemned (like a lot of them were in later years) but they tried to keep keep things clean and tidy. Like you say earlybird8, can't be bothered today.

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Thing is about the womenfolk of yesteryear, they had pride. Didn't have much money, and the house probably would've been condemned (like a lot of them were in later years) but they tried to keep keep things clean and tidy. Like you say earlybird8, can't be bothered today.


The women of yesteryear were absolute diamonds compared to some of the "women" today.

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Just remembered. When my left-handed brother was very young we used to call him 'Dolly Posh' .Was this a common description in Sheffield of a left-hander.


my dad uses that (he's a "Netherthorpian")


Cant remember that JOGI, we used to call lefties "Cag Handed".


Cack-handed was also another term for Dolly-handed or Dolly posh.


In my experience, "dolly-posh" is commoner a bit further north - around Barnsley etc. There are any number of phrases for left-handed, from cack-handed to cuddy-wifted and south pawed..:)


South paw is more a boxing term, isn't it?

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..South paw is more a boxing term, isn't it?

Not exclusively - here are a few more ways few more ways of describing us left-handed folks http://www.lefthandersday.com/tour5.html :)


I had almost forgotten donkey stones - my mother even took hers with her when we went to stay with her uncle in Lincoln, as the local shop there didn't sell them and she liked to keep up appearances..:)

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Dolly posher...is that one of them three legged things that you twizzle your washing with....forgive me I am a Suvvner.


There is one in a charity shop in Hillsborough....£5 if I remember rightly.


I can just imagine the looks on wives faces when the contrivance was bought into the home.....by Dad....who would say something like "Eyup love...I've bought thee a new weshing machine"......surely it had those three pronged feet and long handle for a purpose and it weren't to clean clothes :hihi:

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The women of yesteryear were absolute diamonds compared to some of the "women" today.
very true ,my mam kept down two jobs at least and still did the washing in a tub with the three legged posh, donkey stone was as someone said done on a monday,what a hard life our parents/grandparents had, working ,washing ,mangling,making the fire ,no push button technology for them it was just hard work, and then more hard work


i remember the women used to wear aprons and scarf turbans unless they were on a day out,always seemed to me as a child that they wore black clothes ,must have been the rationing,the kitchen was always full of steam but the house was clean and tidy ,makes you wonder how they fitted the time in

bless em ;)

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