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Clifford Poxon did you know him?


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Having accidently found a thread on here about my father and the school he attended, It has made me think if anyone else will have known him and have stories to share, He was born in 1951, he was a big bloke 6ft3" and a roofer by trade, he worked for "malden" martin brookes" beasham" over the years, He died in 2004 and was only 53 and never got to see his 2 grandchildren, there must be lots of things i didnt know about him and would love stories to pass on to my son about his "grandad". He went to hurlfield and arbourthorne schools and college for roofing, he lived on fellbrigg road and had 3 sisters and a younger brother, He had lots of nick names lol , "poggy" (which he hated) white cliffs of dover, mountain man lol he liked a drink so these nick names were probably given to him after a good few pints! Thanks Kathy

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Kathy


I hope you dont mind me contacting you but I just read your message on the Sheffield forum dated Apr 2009. I was wondering if you ever received any replies about your dad either on the forum or privately. I havent used the computer as such for a few years or I would have seen it earlier.


Me and your dad grew up together and were pals from around 8/9 yrs old onwards. We sort of lost contact altogether in the 1980s and only saw each other when we either met by chance or we were on the same or (close by) building sites or met in a pub.


Your mum may remember me from around the 70s when myself and my ex wife used to go for a drink with your dad and herself. Actually if my memory serves me well we would always end the night singing some of the old 50/60s songs and even some others from the 40s.


I had best introduce myself (sorry). My names Gordon Cambell (nicknamed slosh). I always knew your dad as "penguin". (Although I dont think he was too keen on that nickname either). I have no idea who nicknamed him as such but it stuck for some years.


I still think about your dad for a few reasons but especially when it gets to his birthday (a week after mine, although I am a year older). Very fond memories indeed. As we grew out of our teens we were always together practically every day or evening.


My memory certainly isnt what it once was due to various reasons but if you are still interested in seeking those stories etc I will be more than happy to attempt to add a few missing details for you if I can.


By the way. My email address is wag@blueyonder.co.uk if you care to contact me privately.


Take care



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  • 1 month later...
Hi Kathy


I hope you dont mind me contacting you but I just read your message on the Sheffield forum dated Apr 2009. I was wondering if you ever received any replies about your dad either on the forum or privately. I havent used the computer as such for a few years or I would have seen it earlier.


Me and your dad grew up together and were pals from around 8/9 yrs old onwards. We sort of lost contact altogether in the 1980s and only saw each other when we either met by chance or we were on the same or (close by) building sites or met in a pub.


Your mum may remember me from around the 70s when myself and my ex wife used to go for a drink with your dad and herself. Actually if my memory serves me well we would always end the night singing some of the old 50/60s songs and even some others from the 40s.


I had best introduce myself (sorry). My names Gordon Cambell (nicknamed slosh). I always knew your dad as "penguin". (Although I dont think he was too keen on that nickname either). I have no idea who nicknamed him as such but it stuck for some years.


I still think about your dad for a few reasons but especially when it gets to his birthday (a week after mine, although I am a year older). Very fond memories indeed. As we grew out of our teens we were always together practically every day or evening.


My memory certainly isnt what it once was due to various reasons but if you are still interested in seeking those stories etc I will be more than happy to attempt to add a few missing details for you if I can.


By the way. My email address is wag@blueyonder.co.uk if you care to contact me privately.


Take care




Hi Gordon Ive sent you a message to your email address and my mum does remember you well lol x

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