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The lost children


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I suppose you have seen on the news in the last couple of days that our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has just said Sorry for all the children that was taken from their parents some years ago and sent over to Aussie to work.He also said sorry for all the children that was abused in public institutions.Well i feel that this should have been said years ago as these people have suffered all their lives.The forum has a thread on this sort of thing and maybe should be read by the powers that be.The Fulwood Cottage Homes is a perfect example of the abuse that was dished out to poor little kids whos parents couldnt look after them. I was wondering if you know anybody that was sent over here?Shame its come up now tho, as the morons that dished it out have probably passed on now.

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I was wondering if you know anybody that was sent over here?


Gday Glen, a mate of mine and his sister was sent over here with the others, they were told that there parents had been killed in the blitz, about 30 years ago he found out that his father was alive and well in the UK, unfortunately the father passed away before they could meet up.

I have never been able to understand why the other stolen generation got so much attention and an apology, and the others have had to wait this long, that's politics for you.

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Hi Skippy.I can understand what you are saying and i think it is disgusting.All the things that are coming to the surface at this time.I was talking to my eldest brother not long ago and the guy that put us in Fulwood Cottage Homes was caught molesting the kids as they waited for placement,this is before we went to F.C.H.Then when we got there we were ill treated once again and not once but continuously.When i think about what went on in that place someone should have been held accountable.I wish they could read the whole thread and see how they feel.I feel sorry for those kids,i and my brother Rod (whom you know)was two of those kids and can never forget.Happy New Year To You And Yours.

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and it got even worst,Ive never heard anything about the farms some of the lads got sent to at 14, but from all accounts the Wesley (?) sea training school was a hive of sexual abuse ,F.C.H was bad for beatings but never did i hear of anything else,father-in law a longtime police sgt told me his worst job ever was taking the runaways back to Dr Bernardos (still spelt wrong) bad times

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When was the Fulwood cottage homes started ? The reason I ask is my mum was adopted as a baby but in doing my family tree I found out that she had a brother and sister that emigrated to Australia in 1927/28 but they were 17 and 19 at that time. I have no idea where they lived after 1911 though.

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To its shame, the government of Canada has declined to issue an apology for the same misdeeds as occurred in Australia. The opposition parties called for it, but the unspoken rationale is that the ruling Tories are afraid of ensuing law suits. So much for honor, ethics, and all that good stuff. And so much for public opinion which is opposed to a number of things the government is doing or in this case, not doing.

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This thread is too painfull. Just heard about a guy, who, at the age of 21 was convicted for rape and murder and spent the next 20 years in US prisons (where he was brutally abused) and on death row. He was exonerated by DNA evidence and released. What could you ever say to that man? I get the same feelings - mainly anger and despair - for the lost children who suffered abuse and lost huge chunks of their lives. Nothing we can ever say or do would seem to be enough. Somehow they have to learn to live with the emotional scars. I don't know how they do that, or if our saying sorry makes any difference.

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hello flyer.I think you mean Wellesley Naughtical School.My brother Rex Fearnehough was sent there and yes there was alot of abuse there too,it seems you just cant get away from these sickys.Brian Ali also went there. SILLY, Dont know when f.c.h.was started,long time before us.I went there in 1950 to 1954 and believe me that was enough. ROGG. Some people cant say they are sorry because it covers up the guilt.It maybe makes them feel better to be in denial...It is such a shame that so many of those kids never saw their families again.Maybe we are flogging a dead horse here as those guilty ones have passed on ,i only hope they are shoveling coal. Downunder,The court system stinks,i suppose its easy for them to pick on the first person they come across.They probably just opened the door and said You Are Free To Go and that was it not even thinking about the pain he endured. Brian 1941 The b.o.a.b.apparently was run by the Church Of England They used to set families up with a home,furniture and food,clothing also jobs.I think they were ligitimate,anyone heard any different.Cheers to you all.Glenda

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