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Optional ID cards on the way - resist


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Correct me if im wrong ,but dont we all already have an ID card in the form of a passport and driving License ?


Yep. Amusingly, anyone who wants one at present must already hold a passport. So on one hand they are telling you it will be a convenient replacement for the passport, then saying you still must have a passport.


Why is there a need to introduce yet another form of ID .


We don't know because they won't tell us.


The legislation was pulled out the drawer within a couple of weeks of 9/11 under the claim it would save us all from terrorism. Then that argument was proven to be utter nonsense, with even the home secretaries saying it won't. But they're still desperate to introduce this mass surveillance scheme and are now reduced to telling you how convenient it will be to subject yourself to a lifetime of surveillance, fees and penalties.

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