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Optional ID cards on the way - resist


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I used to like the idea of this, thinking that it would make us safer and that it would make life for criminals harder. However, the more I see of ridiculous sentencing in this country, I think what's the point.


The more that I see of the failiure of a variety of institutions to safeguard information, the more I think "No, I'm not telling you".


My CRB is up for renewal shortly. The form and the evidence that I need to produce are enough for anyone to empty my bank account with ease and assume my identity. It will probably be processed by an underpaid AO. Fingers crossed then.

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I already have about 10 cards in my wallet with my full name on which I need and use, most of which I've had to prove my identity to get by providing birth certificate, utility bills, passport etc. Any of the authorities could establish my identity no problem without an ID card.


I don't want one of these new ID cards, useless waste of money.

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ID cards are just another way to get money out of us and for some goverment linked company to get awarded the contract for loads of dosh! OUR DOSH!

New licences are just another form of ID card sneakily brought in so really everyone with a driving licence has one.Then we get the next level ID cards which are the new Bio-Metric passports. Then credit cards etc etc the list goes on.ID cards dont solve anything and are just another way to fill the goverment coffers.

Not for me sir, I have numerous forms of ID card thank you very much!

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A plastic card is easy to print. PC World sold suitable printers til someone leaned on them.


The chip on the UK ID card was copied in 12 minutes of trying!


So to be vaguely "secure", an electronic check is needed against the central database. And each time, it leaves a permanent record of that check for hundreds of thousands of petty officials to read and draw conclusions.


It makes it easier and more convenient to subject yourself to lifelong surveillance.


I won't be giving away my privacy so easily.


No choice , they are already fingerprinting the kids. My 8 year old neighbour was fingerprinted at school , apparently so she can use the library . Nazi germany here we come, its more than scary, its totalitarian.

I thought we only fingerprinted criminals? We must all be criminals now, we must all answer to the gestapo.

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I already have about 10 cards in my wallet with my full name on which I need and use, most of which I've had to prove my identity to get by providing birth certificate, utility bills, passport etc. Any of the authorities could establish my identity no problem without an ID card.


I don't want one of these new ID cards, useless waste of money.


The conclusion doesn't follow from the premises. Turning 10 cards into just one is a saving of money, which is why I want one. I can get rid of having to carry all the others.

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The conclusion doesn't follow from the premises. Turning 10 cards into just one is a saving of money, which is why I want one. I can get rid of having to carry all the others.


In what way does it turn ten cards into one?


There are no other forms of ID being removed. It's an additional form of ID, not a replacement.

It's so far cost something like four billion pounds and it hasn't even been implemented yet.

Maybe you should read the history of the project, before you decide whether it's saving anyone any money.

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No choice , they are already fingerprinting the kids. My 8 year old neighbour was fingerprinted at school , apparently so she can use the library . Nazi germany here we come, its more than scary, its totalitarian.

I thought we only fingerprinted criminals? We must all be criminals now, we must all answer to the gestapo.


The department of education has issued guidelines to schools that basically say that they shouldn't be using such systems, contact your LEA and get it investigated.

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I'm all for ID Cards - regardless of what the scare mongerers claim. Just how much information is already available on the net about a person is scary and perhaps we should not use the net for anything in light of this. Come to think of it - we should stop using banks and other such institutes because there are always people who can hack into the systems and get whatever information there is about a person. Scrap doctors and dentists and hospitals as well as they all have information about people which someone could get hold of.


Bring in the ID cards - but let's not rush it. Make them as secure as possible - and yes - there will be errors - but is that not the case with everything?


Dragon of Ana

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It's unbelievable the number of people on the forum who are happy to let the government hold every bit of information about them on a data-base.


Are you all Labour Party workers or just sheep to be rounded-up and penned-in?

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