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Manor fields/ Deep Pits/ Queen mary park- info needed??


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I just wondered if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction.


I am currently doing a survey on 'Manor Fields' formerly known as Deep pits and Queen Mary Park, and i am looking for background history and maps of the park and its surrounding area.


I know that the area formed part of the the larger Sheffield Park which was a deer park. But when was this divided up and developed? when were the mines built/demolished and the local housing estate?


Basically and information regarding its history lol


If anyone could help me or point me in the right direction i would be greatful




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The fields behind 'The Travellers Rest' (now converted ) on City Road Deep-pits were known as 'Mirfins Fields 80 years ago. We used to play on there but cant remember any pits just there. Just how far are you casting your net as I can tell you about mines a bit further afield, including the story of 60? children killed maybe 2 miles away. Also can the 'Friends of Manor Lodge' with the Mary Queen of Scots connection help? Cheers. P.S You mention the history of the local housing estate. This surely is the Manor Estate. If so, my sister and I have the 8 historical bookets (easily obtainable) plus the most authorative account by Malcolm Mercer .Cheers.

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The fields behind 'The Travellers Rest' (now converted ) on City Road Deep-pits were known as 'Mirfins Fields 80 years ago. We used to play on there but cant remember any pits just there. Just how far are you casting your net as I can tell you about mines a bit further afield, including the story of 60? children killed maybe 2 miles away. Also can the 'Friends of Manor Lodge' with the Mary Queen of Scots connection help? Cheers. P.S You mention the history of the local housing estate. This surely is the Manor Estate. If so, my sister and I have the 8 historical bookets (easily obtainable) plus the most authorative account by Malcolm Mercer .Cheers.


One of the landlords of the Travellers rest was called 'Mirfin', that would be about 80 years ago, after him it was Donald Currie, & when he died his son Malcolm took over the tenancy,when he died it went downhill after that.

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The fields behind the Travellers, where the allotments are/were, were always known to us a Manor Fields as kids, and the one behind the fire station on Mansfield Road, between the Manor and Woodthorpe, was known to us as Pit Field, or Deep Pit. It had a small park at the top end near the fire station, and another one down the bottom near the bowling greens.

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One of the landlords of the Travellers rest was called 'Mirfin', that would be about 80 years ago, after him it was Donald Currie, & when he died his son Malcolm took over the tenancy,when he died it went downhill after that.
Your mention of Malcolm Currie has brought back a memory of the early 40' that i'd completely forgotten about. I'm sure he used to be on a tram with a group of us that worked at Edgar Allens at Tinsley. We always sat in the front bay of the tram.Sleek black hair and all the girls fancied him!
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the fields behind the manor top fire station which were allotment which were mainly used by pidgeon racers were called pit lane and were joined with the field behind the travellers years ago i stillremember signs of the mining in the late 60s early 70s until the council put some pitches there in the 70s and i scored our one and only goal against hillsborough celtic (junior owls) 22-1 i also scored our only goal when they beat us 11-1 later in the year

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