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Purchasing Contraceptives

So... do you get embarrassed?  

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  1. 1. So... do you get embarrassed?

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Can I suggest to any women who are embarrassed about buying condoms- don't ever get a coil fitted, get an STI or have a baby! The embarrassment factor is thousands of times higher.


More embarrassing than condoms is when the GUM start discussing lubricants with you. I have an allergy to latex so have always had issues with condoms (and caps) and can't have hormonal contraception because my cancer had oestrogen receptors on it (hence the coil) so I was already quite interesting to talk to if you were a family planning type person. When we found out that I am also allergic to nonoxynol-9 that made me a whole load more interesting to the doctors and nurses, so I usually left with a bag full of a selection of condoms which claimed to be hypoallergenic and a dozen or so sorts of lubricant to test for the doctors. I did my bit for reproductive services in Sheffield and reported back with which ones did flare my skin up and which ones didn't.


At one point (and I'm not quite sure how I ended up doing this) I had a couple of meetings with Professor John Guillebaud, who is the foremost expert on contraception and was doing a clinical trial on the different sorts of latex free condoms at the time. He's a really down to earth sort of bloke who was really helpful.


Maybe from all of this stuff I ought to conclude that I don't really suffer from embarrassment when it comes to health and scientific things?

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Nope... I either go get them free from Uni (though you have to fill out a form in front of people which I'm not a fan of) or just buy them in with the weekly shop!! Rather be safe than pregnant just now to be fair... though my bf does always get embarrased if we just to somewhere to buy condoms and makes me take them to the counter and pay for them!

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So it seems the majority of us are not at phased by purchasing "something for the weekend" over the counter/off the shelf.


I don't know about anyone else, but every time I purchased any with the weekly shop, there always used to be a very attractive young female on the checkout. Some sort of conspiracy or what?!

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