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Help needed to find my dad, Mick Cassidy


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this is a difficult thing for me to do personally,and to be honest im quite scared but if anyone can help id be greatful, im looking for a man named mick cassidy, all i know is he lived in shiregreen, i think he still does and he used to be a george formby tribute act, thats it thats all i know, i think, possibly he could be my real dad, i havent took this decision lightly to post on here to try and find him and to be honest i wouldnt know what id do if i did find him, but mick if you are on here please get in touch and if anyone does know him, please pm me and i will give you my details to pass on if he wants to get in touch. or if anybody knows another way i could try and find him i would be greatful, thanks

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I'd be inclined to post on expats too, as they talk about people and places from back in the day - best give some sort of time line, and a few names of pals at the time when you last knew of him... Be careful tho - someone once came looking for my family, and since the people they wanted were all long dead I gave them short shrift - I didn't know them and had no inention of collecting more psuedo relations I had nothing in common with (I have enough of those already!)... He might be able to tell you if he thinks it's likely that he's related to you, but if you can only find his family I would be inclined to walk away as they may not be friendly...

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from what my mums said he has tried to get in touch many times and sent money for me but she told him to go away, my eldest sister knows all about it and told me to keep away but im a grown women now i can handle it, i darnt ask my mum i dont want to upset her, she is really ill, just been told she hasnt got long left, im devasted. but i dont know why but i have a feeling this situation needs sorting before its too late. im sorry to burden you all with my troubles but i just hoped someone will know him, thanks x

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