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Cat Lane Woods Good times


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I'm afraid the things we got up to in Cat lane Woods we would be given ASBOs for now. Like firing catapults at rival gangs (not to mention air rifles!), collecting birds eggs and what about touchburners ?

Does anyone know what one was ?

Clay from the riverbank and crumbly dead wood.

Did it turn us into hooligans, I think not, we passed our exams did our National Service and looked after our mums and dads.

The recent furore about unsupervised children's playgrounds, even with rubber matting down beggars belief !


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Just slightly off topic but interesting all the same.

My Mom, born 1910 at 279 Gleadless Rd, was fortunate that in 200 yards or so from where she lived was Cat Lane and of course then as a girl they had the open playgound prior to the building of the estate which was Cat Lane Woods and the adjoining fields.

Likewise my Dad was raised on Slate St and I can remember him talking of playing on the Black Banks, the sloping area running alongside East Bank Road. The Arbourthorne estate wasn't there when he was a lad, so again like Mom he didn't have to walk far from the house before reaching those open fields.

Whether or not it occured to them as kids how fortunate they were living where they did we shall never know. They came from typical working class families without a great deal of money. Hard times indeed, but they weren't in the inner city in back to back properties.

Those poor unfortunate children were at a disadvantage living where they did compared with my parents.

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do kids still play in cat lane woods i have spent many happy days there in the 60s 70s anyone know the chicken run or the monkey tree.


This post brought back some memories of the chicken run, walking home through the woods from Newfield. Damming the stream and the tarzan swings. Dont think the kids of today would be allowed such freedom

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